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Troll is in a ‘Bad Way’ After Public Backlash From Trolling Meshel Laurie

meshel laurie

Meshel Laurie has bit back at trolls after being trolled by two men on social media because of her appearance.

This morning, Laurie spoke out on Melbourne’s KIIS 101.1 radio station about her experience over the weekend.

She told listeners,

“I don’t want you to feel sorry for me, for a lot of reasons, but specifically because … this doesn’t happen to me a lot and also genuinely it did not hurt my feelings, I just thought it was a fascinating thing that happened.

“The first one said, ‘you just told us on The Project to fatten up for winter, look in the mirror and maybe hibernate fatso’.

“And then I swore back at him, I’m just in the mood where I just went, I said ‘Hi Daryle, that was actually the point of the joke you stupid, joyless, creep,’ I put another word in there.”

meshel laurie troll

Amazingly the troll apologized, which took Laurie by surprise. She took to Facebook after receiving the apology and wrote,

“Personally, I find this even weirder, but the dude has apologised. People be cray!”

“Thanks so much for the support, but let’s leave good old Daryle to get on with his life in peace. Hopefully now he’ll think twice before casually contacting a woman with the sole purpose of trying to make her feel bad about herself.

“I won’t be shamed into silent self-hatred by a rando on my socials. Soz.”

Sadly, that wasn’t the end of Meshel’s trolling ordeal. Another attack was made by a different Facebook user.

Meshel Luarie Troll 2

In response to the second troll attack, Laurie wrote, “Please don’t think this happens a lot. It never happens actually, but for some reason I scored two in one night.”

The lovable comedian and radio host shared how she is happy with her size and is very body confident. She shared a conversation she had with her son Louis after he had told his mum she was fat.

“He’s six, he’s in grade one … He said to me, ‘Mummy, you’re fat.’ I said, ‘Yeah … and that’s OK. I’m really happy. I’m a really happy person’,

“I meant it from the absolute pit of my soul.

“I’m such a lucky person. I’ve got two arms that work, two legs that work. A brain that’s sharp.

“My focus is always, I’ve actually got a perfect body. My body does everything you could ever ask for it to do. It had twins one time, it breathes properly. It is actually possible to be fat and happy, I promise you.”

Since the interview and the public backlash of the trolling, Meshel has shared this Facebook post,

“I’ve deleted the posts in which I publicly shamed two men who sent me abusive messages over the weekend because I’ve been informed that one of them is “in a bad way” as a result of the backlash. I can’t say I feel sorry for him, but I’m hoping to speak to him personally later today.
Stay tuned.”

Meshel Laurie Facebook
Meshel Laurie Facebook

Many of Laurie’s Facebook fans have been unsympathetic to the troll. One fan wrote,

‘Don’t dish out what you can’t swallow yourself! And what if you, by chance were also ‘in a bad way’??????’

If there’s one lesson to be learned here… trolling is never ok and the public backlash can hurt more than the bite.

Rebecca Senyard

Rebecca Senyard

Rebecca Senyard is a plumber by day and stylist by night but these days she changes more nappies than washers. She is a happily married mum to three young daughters who she styles on a regular basis. Rebecca is not only an award winning plumber, she also writes an award winning blog called The Plumbette where she shares her life experiences as a plumber and mother. Rebecca also blogs at Styled by Bec believing a girl can be both practical and stylish. Links to the blogs are and