People Share the Crazy Things They’ve Done While Sleepwalking!

Have you or anyone in your family ever been a sleepwalker? Apparently, there is a genetic component as it does tend to run in families, but it can also be triggered by things like stress, lack of sleep, fever and some medications. Whilst mild sleepwalking is generally considered harmless, some sleep walkers can perform complex tasks such as cooking or even driving whilst they are in a deep sleep – making it extremely dangerous!
Today we’re sharing stories of the crazy things that some people have done with their eyes wide-open but in a deep sleep state.
I went through this phase of sleep-shopping/other things on the internet.
First time, I spent $70 on iTunes of 90s female pop songs (Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera albums) and changed my ring back tone on my phone to Hanson’s Mmmbop!
Another time I woke up and my computer was open to a form nearly complete for forming a 501(c) (a non-profit).
I’ve also bought expensive winter jackets in incorrect sizes, an expensive onesie pyjama thing (actually love that thing), random books and shit off Amazon, etc.
Does that count? (bravesaint)
Was in a hotel in Sydney, went to bed, woke up walking around in the street outside. No wallet, no keys, no phone, no shirt, no shoes… just me wearing a pair of shorts and pretending that everything was fine. (MisterEvilBreakfast)
I’ve told this story before, but my cousin is a notorious sleepwalker. Once while his older brother and dad were working on the roof and he was having a nap, he wound up climbing out the window and clambered onto the roof with them. When they asked him what he was doing, he turned and jumped off the roof (two stories) and landed on the roof of the family car. Then he ran around the car, screaming at the top of his lungs that demons were chasing him. Fun part of the story was that this was on 06/06/06! (loldemort7)
My boyfriend and I had some friends over one night. A friend from work came over with a guy we’d never met before. I go pass out before everyone leaves. The girl from work asked if her and the dude can sleep on the couch since it was late, and they had been drinking. My boyfriend says that’s fine, and they ask to put on a movie. While my boyfriend is showing the guy how to work the tv/DVD player setup, I walk out of the bedroom completely naked and straight out the front door. My boyfriend notices, but the dude is too engaged in putting on a movie to notice. My boyfriend follows me outside, but my sleepwalking self promptly decides to not go on a midnight naked adventure, and I walk right back inside. I walk past the totally oblivious dude one more time and crawl back into bed. (skeleton87)
I’ve been sleep walking for a good majority of my life, but a recurring thing I do is stack pillows. I go all over the house and collect every pillow and stack them. Then when I wake up, I have a nice pillow fort stacked on the couch. (bsuracer)
My bf was a sleepwalker… I’ve only witnessed it about twice since we’ve been together but when he was younger it was a lot worse. Once he locked his whole family out of the house and fell back asleep by the front door in the fetal position. They could see him through the windows and were yelling at him until they finally broke in somehow. They were obviously upset and when they asked him if they knew why they were mad he said, “I know it’s because I was spinning the frozen towels over my head.” (whiskey_and_bacon)
My sister sleepwalks. Once she got out of bed, telling me she needed to find Ashton (her friend at the time). I went back to sleep, thinking nothing of it.
Well, she went downstairs, unlocked the door and yelled for her friend a few times. After a while, she laid down in the middle of the street, just before the intersection of that street with the one we live on. My mom gets up for work at 5:30 and went to check on us. She freaked out when she saw my sister wasn’t in bed and the front door was open.
Mom went outside, picked her up from the road, and brought her back inside. She’s had more episodes than that, but she sleep talks more than she sleepwalks. That was one of the scarier ones, because she could have been ran over! (anon)
Not me but my uncle. My mother often tells the story of waking one night when she was around 15 to hear a window open in the room next door, my uncle’s room, and shuffling around. Knowing he often sleepwalked she went into the room to check on him to find the window wide open and my uncle perched, in quite a professional manner, ready to take a head-on dive into the pavement outside. She stopped him obviously, yet he claims to this day (50 years on) that he never sleepwalked. (mulorla)
According to my brother, I apparently tore off my pants and yelled “Look guys! Its pancils!” while waving my pants up and down. (HerrBubbler)
Not me, but my brother. I woke up one night and went to get a drink. My brother being a sleepwalker/talker sometimes is up doing…something. This time, I saw him in the kitchen with his pants down to his ankles with an unplugged toaster in his hands. I never ate toast again… (Thelostredditor)
My best friend once started sleepwalking and in her sleepy state decided to pull all the books out of her bookshelf and then push the bookshelf over the door. Woke up in the morning to her parents trying to bash the door in, she’s a very heavy sleeper. (alkingdilemma)
I’m not a sleep walker, but my husband is. I found him in the kitchen at the stove with a pot, spoon, and an unbroken egg in the pot. He was standing there naked shaking his little bum and moving the egg around the pot. I asked what he was doing, and he whispered, ‘making eggs.’ Then walked back to bed. (geUndin)
Do you have a crazy sleepwalking story?