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Vets Reveal the Worst Pet Names They Have Encountered and Their Answers Are Hilarious

Vets Reveal the Worst Pet Names They Have Encountered and Their Answers Are Hilarious

Some people choose to name their pets classic pet names like Kitty, Buddy, Mittens, or Spot. Others opt for something a little different, taking inspiration from movies and television. Then there are the pet parents who name their animals human names, which I think is just the funniest thing ever. I once had a friend who had a female cat called Mark. It never ceased to make me chuckle, that one.

Whatever you call your pets is up to you entirely, of course, but at some point, they will need to see a vet and their names will be noted down and perhaps giggled at later.

With this in mind, vets of Reddit were asked “what was the worst pet name you have ever encountered in your job?”, and they delivered in spades!

Here are their very best responses.

? Sexy – for a chihuahua. Just made the whole consultation very awkward.

? One of my boys wanted to name one of our dogs Meat Stack. (My son was 6 when we adopted the puppy). Same kid wanted to name his brother Turtle Flower when he was born. Needless to say, he is not in charge of naming things in our household.

? My cat’s name is Shoe

? My grandmother’s jet black and incredibly angry cat was called Rainbow.

? Old neighbor lady had a cat named “Face” because it had a beautiful face, she said.

? Not a vet, but my roommate’s cat is named Feline Dion.

? We once saw a pet named Envelope

? My old neighbors apparently thought it would be a good idea to let their 3-year-old name their dog. The dog was named Dump Truck.

? My dog’s name was Freddie. The vet put it in as Freddy. I felt so ridiculous, and never told them ‘that’s not how he spells his name.”

? My dad has always wanted a dog named “Askim” so when someone asks what your dog’s name is you can just say “Askim”

? We were at a local farm with a petting zoo and their pigs were named Piggy Azalea and Piggie Smalls.

? My brother in law named his cat Salad.

? My friend’s aunt has a cat named Titties

? Ex gf was a vet nurse. She came across a cat in the system called Horatio Bradshaw Roadwork.

? I named a foster cat Alan. I love pets with extremely normal human names

? My first pet that I can remember getting was a fish when I was about three or four years old. I named him Clock because I happened to be looking at a clock when my mum asked what I wanted to name him

? A cat named “Monster” which wouldn’t be that bad.. Except that the family’s last name was Johnson. Monster Johnson hahahaha.

? One of our dogs is a pug, we got him a long time ago from a bad home. My wife and I kind of waited around too long to give him a proper name, so now we still just call him Pug or “the pug”. I’m a little embarrassed when I take him to the vet and they ask his name and its just Pug.

? Best name ever was a one-eared Chihuahua mix named Vincent.

? My brother had a dog named Faucet. She drooled a lot.

? Not a vet but I took in a cat from a family named Lord Whimsalot III. Yes, there were previous Lord Whimsalots. We nicknamed him whimmy.

? My cat’s name is Soup. The vet jokes we ought to start calling him Stew if he keeps getting wet food since he’s a little chunky

? My wife and I (girlfriend at the time) named our first dog puddles, which we quickly realized was pretty fuckin dumb, so we registered him as Sir Puddlesworth, Esq. True story. Now we just call him Pudds though.

? I was once at the dog park and this lady kept yelling at her dog. “Kevin! Get over here Kevin!” “Let me take your picture, Kevin!” “Kevin!” Kevin was an old, overweight black lab. I still laugh when I think about it.

? I was in the vet’s waiting room, and there was a puppy with a woman and a child. The puppy was named Dave, the child was Atari.

Too funny! Do you have one of your own to add?

Via Reddit

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!