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Is Your Kid One Of The Leaders Of Tomorrow? It’s Time For Them To Take The K-12 Inclusion Challenge

Is Your Kid One Of The Leaders Of Tomorrow? It’s Time For Them To Take The K-12 Inclusion Challenge

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The last thing we want to think about when we send our little ones off to school is that they might find themselves feeling like they don’t quite belong. School can be a challenging time for any child, but every child deserves to feel included. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case and it can be difficult to find solutions within schools that actually make a difference to children who find themselves feeling on the outs. Children with a disability can often feel like they are excluded, and sometimes this can come down to a lack of awareness of disability and how peers can support that child. It’s time that we encourage education amongst ourselves and our future generations on the importance of an inclusive community.  This is why the K-12 Inclusion Challenge is calling on school-aged children (kindergarten aged up to grade 12) to develop a simple solution so that children with disabilities are included at school.

The K-12 Inclusion Challenge asks participants to come up with a simple, low to no-cost, idea that is designed to increase inclusion in each participants’school. The aim of these ideas is to raise awareness of disability andprovide practical solutions to enable inclusion of kids with disabilities in schools.

Inclusion is founded on three simple principles:

  1. Include– all students belong and participate in activities and should be provided with equal access and opportunity in physical, social, and curricular contexts.
  2. Enable– students are empowered to reach their full potential and participate effectively in all aspects of school life, whilst receiving all the support they need. These aspects include development of personality, talents, creativity, cognitive and physical ability.
  3. Embrace – diversity is acknowledged, respected and viewed as a resource for learning, growth and change.

If you think your child or someone you know aged from kindergarten to grade 12 should be part of this challenge, check out some more information here.

All children are encouraged to participate and work together to develop an inclusive solution, and to enter all they need to do is simply develop a 1-page summary of their inclusion idea and send through a short video of their school (which can be filmed on a phone). Each idea goes in the running to win one of 15 prizes up for grabs which range from $750-1500!

It’s your kids time to shine and lead the way in disability inclusion in Australian schools!

Click here to fill out the expression of interest form and find out how your child can be involved.



Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!