The Caterpillar – A Story About Depression.

I recently read a most honest account from a blogger I follow who felt that it was all getting too much. With a toddler and a new baby things were not all sunshine and rainbows like people thought. She was struggling and wanted people to know.
You see, I think we’ve reached a stage with technology where it may in fact become our demise. I don’t mean that to sound all dramatic and dooms day-ish, what I want to say is maybe it is all too much! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest are all new social media avenues where we can share and connect. And don’t get me wrong, I’m as much of a social media whore as the next person, but I can’t help but wonder if it’s sending us mixed messages. The fact is social media is filled with people looking fabulous, doing amazing things, travelling to wonderful locations, getting married and having babies. We very rarely, if ever get an insight into someone’s life when they’re having a bad day! I don’t see Instagram pics titled “Me with really bad skin.” “Me after a wax gone wrong.” “A selfie of me cutting my toenails.” And really, truth be told, I don’t particularly want to see them either. I want my world to be filled with happy, shiny people that inspire me to do more and be more. It’s just that I think it can be a very dangerous place for people to hide behind. Social media is a great way of letting everyone know how wonderful you’re feeling even if you’re not. You can post photos of an amazing meal, great scenery, shiny new shoes and everything looks rosy. Which is not a bad thing- if that truly is your reality.
If it’s not your reality, don’t pretend it is. It’s okay to show weakness and vulnerability. It’s ok to not want to speak to anyone or go anywhere. Don’t let anyone make you feel that your life is less than perfect. Because chances are theirs isn’t that great either.
Now before you get all worked up and say how hypocritical I’m being I want you to understand that I love the power of social media. I love the way it connects us and makes the world seem so much smaller and accessible. I love the way I can share my favourite taco place on Instagram and show you how banging my new nail polish colour is. I love all that, and I love seeing it in everyone else’s feeds too. All I’m saying is that if you or someone you know is looking too fabulous and shiny (whether in real life or on social media) don’t be fooled into thinking there’s nothing wrong. They may be in a dark place and just need a helping hand or a piece of chocolate. Or if you know a new mother that looks to have her shit together because she’s always out and about looking great. Look into her eyes just that little bit longer, chances are she’s saying “Help me, I can’t keep all this up for much longer!”
So today I’m breaking my Inspirational quotes ban and am posting one of my favourites. It’s the caterpillar who thinks it’s life is over- only to realise it’s not. And that’s what I want you to remember. X
If you or someone you know may be suffering from depression please speak to someone and seek help. Beyond Blue is a great anonymous service that will lend a helping a hand or just be there to hear you talk. Beyond Blue is working to reduce the impact of depression and anxiety in the community by raising awareness and understanding, empowering people to seek help, and supporting recovery, management and resilience. Call on 1300 224 636.