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Friend’s Son Pees Into Humidifier Now Woman Demands Money to Clean the House

Friend’s Son Pees Into Humidifier Now Woman Demands Money to Clean the House


Imagine the scene. Your friend comes over to visit with her son who thinks it’s hilarious to pee in your humidifier. Problem is, now your house reeks of urine and your friend refuses to fork out money to pay for cleaning. What do you do?

The two friends are now locked in a disagreement over who should be responsible for the cleaning. The host says it’s her friend’s responsibility to pay except she disagrees. Here’s the woman’s story as shared to discussion forum Reddit:

“It’s winter, and we have a humidifier going in the living room. I had a friend with her 11-year-old over. He wanted to watch a movie, so I put on Disney+ and his mom and I went to talk in the kitchen. We ended up stepping outside so I could show her my plans for our garden this spring. When we were done, we went back in the house and eventually went back to the living room. It smelled really weird in there, and I have a very sensitive nose. It kind of smelled like pee, so wondered if my cats peed in there, but they were all in hiding because we had people over. I realised the blue water holder of the humidifier was green. I pulled it out, and it smelled like pee.

Her son was basically like, “yeah, I peed in that. I think it’s really cool how it makes my pee just disappear!”

I was stunned and so disgusted, and the mom was shocked. She excused herself and her kid and left. It turns out he has a humidifier in his room to help with his chapped lips/dry nose, and he’s been doing that in his room for months.

The mum asked if there was anything she could do to make it up to me and offered to buy me a new humidifier, but I said I’m fine with just never owning another humidifier. I want the carpet, sofa, and drapes steam cleaned, the walls cleaned, and every nook and cranny
cleaned. She said that was too much and she can just buy me a new humidifier. She didn’t plan on doing any cleaning to her son’s

She’s refusing and calling me the a**hole for trying to take advantage of the situation to get my living room cleaned. We’re kind of in a standoff, and I’m wondering if I’m being an AH?”

Wow, that’s quite the conundrum. On one hand the friend is offering to pay for a new humidifier but not to pay for the cleaning of the whole living room. Here’s what commenters on Reddit had to say:

NTA. Splitting the cleaning cost (assuming it wouldn’t cost this friend more than 1-2 hundred $) seems pretty reasonable to me, especially when you’re not asking for the humidifier to be replaced.

NTA I would be freaking out, too! She and her son can keep on breathing in his vaporised piss if she wants, but it’s ridiculous to expect you to do the same, let alone in your own home. I think asking her to split the cost of a professional cleaning is perfectly reasonable.

NTA and what type of degenerate allows their kid to piss in anyplace other than an actual toilet when one is available. That is so disgusting! It’s more than fair you offered to split the cleaning bill 50/50 when it is absolutely not your fault in the first place.

NTA, if she can’t help pay to have it professionally cleaned she can come clean it herself. And replace the humidifier. Her 11 year old essentially pissed all over your living room.

What do you think should happen in this instance?

Images: Pixabay

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Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage