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Therapist Shares What She Won’t Ever Say To Kids Including Never Discussing Money

Therapist Shares What She Won’t Ever Say To Kids Including Never Discussing Money


Parenting is a tough gig so professional advice is always welcome in our household, even if it does come from TikTok. One therapist has shared things she would never say or do with children and to be honest, most of them are pretty good! Do you agree?

Jess, who goes by @strongtherapy on TikTok, is a licensed therapist who’s been in the industry for over 20 years. It’s fair to say she knows her stuff, so she decided to share some parenting pointers with her followers.

Her first rule is all about consent. “I ask for consent when I go to hug my kids,” she says. “I teach them the importance of bodily autonomy and advocating for themselves and saying ‘no’ when they’re uncomfortable.”

While this may sound a bit strange at first, we believe it’s a super important one in today’s world. A child has just as much right, if not more, to decide who they want hugging or kissing them. Do you agree?


@strongtherapy 5 things a Licensed Therapist doesn’t do with kids. #tiktoktherapist #therapistsoftiktok #mentalhealthtiktok #5things #5thingschallenge #5thingsiwouldneverdo #parentingtips #parentinghacks ♬ original sound – Jess (Licensed Therapist)

Another thing she won’t discuss is body image in front of her kids. Whether it’s about her own body or her child’s she just won’t go there. We love this one as there’s nothing worse than young children having to worry about their appearance. They will be bombarded with images of beauty standards as they grow older so why stress them out at such a young age? Plus don’t forget kids do as we do most of the time, not as we say. What’s the saying? Monkey see, monkey do!

Jess also says she won’t compare her kids to each other or anyone other children. This is so hard to do when you have more than one child, believe me. But I remember being constantly compared to my sister growing up and I absolutely hated it!

This next one I’m not too sure about. Jess says she doesn’t discuss money and finances in front of her kids. “I don’t talk about how much money I make or where my money goes,” she says. “That’s not for them to be concerned about.” While I agree kids shouldn’t have to stress about finances I do believe it’s good for them to learn the value of the dollar. What do you think?

The therapists last rule has to do with food. “I don’t place value on food and and I don’t reward or punish with it,” Jess concludes. This is an interesting one and perhaps helps kids to develop a healthy relationship with food. While I do believe it’s important they form healthy eating habits from a young age, it’s also easy to inadvertently make them feel guilty about what they’re eating. How many times have we forced kids to finish all the food on their plate or told them they can’t have another serving of ice cream?

@strongtherapy 5 more things I do not do with my kids as a licensed therapist practicing for 20 years. #tiktoktherapist #therapistsoftiktok #mentalhealthtiktok #5things #5thingsiwouldneverdo #fivethings #fivethingschallenge ♬ original sound – Jess (Licensed Therapist)

Her first video was so well received that she’s followed it up with a second one. This time she mentions things like allowing kids to express themselves freely, not placing emphasis on grades, not using fear as a motivational tool and not blindly trusting authority figures. 

What do you think of these parenting tips? Are there any you currently enforce yourself?


Images: TikTok & Pixabay

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Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage