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20 of the Very Best Childhood Recreation Photos on the Internet

20 of the Very Best Childhood Recreation Photos on the Internet

It seems that everyone was forced to take an awkwardly embarrassing childhood photo with either a family pet, siblings or parents. Usually, bad 70’s fashion, awful haircuts and goofy expressions are involved. Good times.

Taking the daggy photos one step further, these people have recreated their cheesy childhood photos in the best, most hilarious ways. And they are absolute gold!

Here are the top twenty very best childhood recreation photos on the internet right now.


Did you get the feeling that he ate those nose fries both times, too?


This is too sweet!


I’m not sure if I’m pleased that the water level has risen and now includes bubbles, or not.


She was a little girl wearing his graduation cap when he graduated, and now the roles are reversed.


This one is my favourite. A proud mum with her three gorgeous boys. ♥


These two nailed it, from the facial expressions to the exact same bowls, cutlery and food!


I can’t help but think this is a first day/last day type of photo which is very sad. But absolutely gorgeous just the same.


These three are just the best, aren’t they? I love how they found almost identical outfits, down to the shoes and socks. And that “little one”!! Too cute.


A classic recreation! Why were kids always sitting in plastic buckets of water in old photos?


Great photos, skater-lady! Love it!!


What gorgeous muddy brothers! I wonder if this was taken at the same location?


I think I’m more impressed that they still haven’t cracked open that bottle in the background there!




That’s even the same chair!


Wait, no, this one is my favourite! How utterly awesome!


I just love how the one on the left is holding his little brother’s head. The curtains have faded a tad.


Parenting will always be tiring, I get it.


Absolutely stunning – once an artist, always an artist!


At least they got rid of the curtains, I guess!


Bahahhaha, I have no words. GOLD!!


Source: Google Images

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!