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I Got Lip Fillers…and This is What Happened!

I Got Lip Fillers…and This is What Happened!

Long gone are the days when cosmetic procedures where just for the rich and famous. These days, there are a whole host of non-surgical procedures available to both women and men who are unhappy with or want to enhance certain features. Whilst many of us still don’t research further into our options assuming that it would be way out of our budget, it really is more affordable than many of us realise.

We recently sent Jessie, one of readers, along to SILK Laser Clinics to investigate her options regarding her dissatisfaction with her thin lips.

The reason I considered getting injectables is because I have always wanted fuller lips. Ever since I can remember I’ve toyed with the idea of trying injectables, as I was born with very thin, almost non-existent lips. I have never worn lipstick as it just looked ridiculous on me and I certainly didn’t want to draw attention to that area. I have also always had an intense frown which has the tendency to make me look angry when I’m not.

The pre-procedure was very simple, and was conducted over a face-time conversation with a doctor in which we discussed my suitability for the procedures, and any questions or concerns I had were addressed. I was worried about the possibility of keloid scarring as I have a history of keloid scarring in the past. After getting my ears pierced as a young girl, I ended up undergoing two surgeries on my ear lobes to remove the unsightly lumps. The Dr reassured me that the risk was very minimal as the needles used were so fine they were unlikely to produce a similar reaction.


I’lI admit, I was a little nervous about the pain and how long the procedure would take. I was pleasantly surprised how quick it was though; it took about 5 minutes for the injectables for my frown and about 10 minutes for my lips. It definitely wasn’t as painful as I had expected, certainly nothing that would haunt me or stop me having more in the future. The lips were naturally a bit more painful being a delicate area but numbing cream was applied. The sensation of the needle first going in was similar to when you get little pimples near your lips and give them a little pinch, but the actual filler getting injected doesn’t hurt at all. After each injection, Nurse Cher massaged the substance around to distribute the solution evenly. There was a little redness around each of the entry points afterwards and a little swelling but nothing that stopped me from going for a long walk afterwards or meeting someone for lunch. There was absolutely no pain or discomfort after the procedure.

The swelling on my forehead had completely disappeared after two hours whilst the swelling of my lips peaked after about 24 hours. However, it wasn’t ridiculously swollen. I was still able to go to work and was comfortable to be out in public. Within 48 hours the swelling had mostly subsided and I could start to see how my new lips would look every day, and I was more than pleased! In fact, I’d go as far as to say I was a little obsessed and would take any opportunity to look at them in the mirror and try on lipsticks! (And take lots of photos of them!)

I am totally in love with my new ‘Cupid’s bow’ and the feminine shape and subtleness Cher has created. They look really natural. The ‘less is more’ approach was used and it certainly isn’t obvious that I have had anything done. No trout pout here! I just look like I finally have what God forgot to give me in the first place!

In the days that followed the procedure, when I looked in the mirror and tried to frown, it was as if the muscles in my forehead were invisibly pulling my frown back up without me trying, which was quite amusing. After a week or so I had no frown whatsoever but felt my face was still emotive, just a bit happier and younger looking. My partner had been a bit concerned I would end up ‘frozen’ looking with ridiculous big lips but even he has said I still look very natural, more natural in fact because I now have lips in proportion rather than almost ‘inverted’ thin lips and not a huge crater down the middle of my face.

I am over the moon with the results and would 100% have it done again and recommend it to others. The reason why I haven’t done it sooner is because I mistakenly believed it to be very expensive, (I’m talking like thousands of dollars). I thought it was really only financially feasible for celebrities or the wealthy and that it needed to be topped up constantly. I was thrilled to find out that my new lips will last approx between 9 -12 months, after which time it’ll just go back to the way it was before. Better yet, the cost is nowhere near what I thought it would be! In fact, it will roughly cost me about $15 a week over a year – that is definitely within my budget!  I can and will continue to have it done in the future, because I don’t really think I can go back to having no lips. I’m so in love with them and I finally have the feminine look I have always wanted. I love wearing lipstick now, whereas before I didn’t even own one. It has given me so much more confidence in my appearance.

Disclosure: Jessie received the treatment free of charge for the purpose of giving an honest review.

For more information visit SILK Laser Clinics
