Wondering Whether to Try Laser Hair Removal? Here’s What to Expect!

Wondering Whether to Try Laser Hair Removal? Here’s What to Expect!
Are you fed up of losing the never-ending battle for smooth, hair-free legs? Do you love having soft skin, but loathe waking up with an unsightly shaving rash? Are you wondering whether it’s time to try laser hair removal instead?
For those of us who have never tried laser hair removal before, it can be a little daunting not knowing what to expect. Does it hurt? Is it expensive? How many sessions will I need? How long do the effects last? So, we decided to ask the experts on all things laser at SILK Laser Clinics. They invited us to send a reader from the Mums Lounge community to a clinic near them to try out the experience for themselves and share their honest feedback. We enlisted the help of the lovely Louise from Perth.
Here’s what she had to say:
When I first thought about Laser Hair removal all I could think about was how painful it would be. Would it be worth it?When I saw the opportunity to have Laser Hair Removal, I jumped at the chance to give it a try. As a mother of three, having time to shower is hard enough. Add in shaving and that’s definitely not happening!
I had previously had two sessions of IPL on my underarms. The experience was slightly discomforting as the treatment went on. I did notice a reduction in hair, but the pain and price had put me off from having any future treatments.
Going into the SILK Laser Clinic at Westfield Carousel was a completely different experience. Walking into the clinic, I immediately noticed how amazing the shop front looked. There was a constant stream of woman coming in and out of the treatment rooms and I didn’t hear any screaming going on so that was a good sign that no one was in pain!
From there, the experience just kept getting better. I was lucky enough to have ½ Leg and Bikini Laser treatment done. My Consultant went through how the laser works, her credentials and training that she underwent to be able to perform the treatment, the possible side effects, which included how to treat them, and what results I would see by the end of my visits. Having only one question for her, which was clearly about how painful this experience was going to be, she assured me that there was no pain and if anything there might be some minor discomfort, but assured me to let her know if I experience it. Can you tell that I have a low pain threshold? If I step on a Lego piece, I’m literally on the floor crying out in pain.
Then she pulled out a white pencil and proceeded to draw over my legs creating a grid so that each section of hair would not be missed. This made me feel like she was very thorough and really cared about each client. It was now time for the laser and the moment she turned on that machine I tensed up, thinking the next 45 minutes were going to be full of pain. What would you know! Once I opened my eyes, I realised that she was half way up my leg and I hadn’t felt a single bit of pain. There were some more sensitive areas that were lasered that I noticed more than others, but there was no pain involved.
I have now completed two sessions and I can say that the treated areas have reduced hair. I am so excited at the thought of not having to worry about constantly shaving or waxing. I was beyond impressed with my consultant and the treatment that I asked the consultant if she would be able to laser my underarms too, because let’s face it, hair free is awesome!
I would highly recommend anyone that is looking at Laser to make an appointment with one of the Consultants at SILK Laser Clinics. They really take the time to get to know their clients and find the treatment that is best for each individual.
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