Dad Has 9-Year-Old’s TikTok Account Banned After Mum Brushes Off His Concerns

There has been a lot of talk online and in the media recently about the toxic effect social media is having on children, with the national Let Them Be Kids campaign calling on the federal government to raise the age limit at which children should be allowed to access social media to 16. Not only is it having a negative effect on their mental health, it’s also costing lives, with suicide and self-harm skyrocketing in people under 19. Phycologists warn that the mental health crisis in our youth is being caused by excessive social media use which is the underlying cause of reduced social skills, sleep deprivation and loneliness. It’s no coincidence that in the last 12 years, eating disorders are up 200 per cent.
So, a dad who recently discovered his 9-year-old daughter had a TikTok account was rightly concerned. But when he brought it to the attention of the girl’s mother, she brushed off his concerns, explaining that she had parental controls in place. But, even if this was true, does a 9-year-old need to be introduced to social media at such a young age? And was her dad right to report her account and have it banned?
I recently came across an account belonging to my 9 year old daughter. When I went to her and asked her abt it she told me her mom knew about. I then went to her mom and let her know that I wasn’t okay with this at all. She brushed it off and told me all the parental controls she was putting in place. I might just be over protective of my kids but I still feel as if kids that young should be ok tik tok or the internet without a high level of supervision by an adult. After my concerns were brushed to the side the only thing I can do is to have the account taken down. Guidelines state no one under 13.
Reddit users were quick to commend the father for his actions, with many educators commenting on the effects they’ve seen on tweens and teens in the classroom.
NTA. I’ve been a 5th grade teacher for 15 years and I can tell you firsthand what social media does to young children. It’s not about the type of content. These kids can’t function without instant gratification or attention. It’s literally ruining our society. (Key-Lunch-7145)
As a high school teacher, I can verify this and it gets worse during high school. (Ginger974)
The last high school I worked in the students propped their phones up on their desks and were absolutely entranced by themselves like birds with mirrors. (Try_Happy_Thoughts)
Even with parental controls commenters agreed with the dad that TikTok is a dangerous place for a naïve and developmentally immature child of 9.
NTA it’s a bad place for kids. I’d even say up to 16. I’m sure if you look at how many people have saved her videos it’s an alarmingly high number. Tiktok has a gross number of p3dos that save posts with children in them where parents see them doing something innocent but their sick minds twist it into something else. Delete all of her videos and take down the account. Her mom is being extremely irresponsible and blind to the danger she’s putting your daughter in. Parental controls mean nothing (SubbySuccubi)
It definitely is bad because of the creeps, pedophiles, and other perverts, but in general, it’s bad because of the brain rot and bullying and all that (tormyboi21)
NTA. Nine is way too young to be on any social platform! Besides all the obvious risks that have already been discussed, young adolescents are incredibly naive about what is appropriate to share with faceless internet world. Let her have an unplugged life for a while longer. (moniquecarl)
It’s not even solely about the responsibility factor anymore. It’s about the constant dopamine hits from the likes and views. It becomes like a chemical dependency and normal things do not make them as happy because of the frequency and amount of dopamine constantly being released in their brain. That’s why they get so angry when their phones get taken away… it’s just a terrible combination because their brains aren’t even fully developed and don’t understand the science behind it. They just think it’s harmless. Add on to that the cyber bullying and body image stuff and it’s a shitstorm of bad combos for mental health. (XplodingFairyDust)
Whilst people agreed that having the account banned was the right thing to do, they advised him not to think that the issue was over. Open and honest communication was now needed to prevent it becoming an issue again.
NTA, but if i may i think this would be a good opportunity to have a sit down conversation with your daughter about internet safety. and also a conversation with your wife. unfortunately all kids are naive and hopeful that everyone has good intentions, but as another comment said, there is a reason why tiktok has a 13 year old age minimum (yesiwilde)
This. Getting her banned will help prevent others from preying on her in this once instance, but teaching her to be more internet savvy could help prevent other instances where she could get herself into trouble. It isn’t hard to make a new account under a new email. Hopefully that power struggle can be avoided with more information about why this could be harmful. (boxing_coffee)
What do you think? What age do you think children should be allowed to access social media?