30 Day Sex Challenge Begins!

I feel like an explorer about to step onto undiscovered land. There could be savages in the bushes (making the land much less undiscovered then I thought), or it could be empty. No man’s land. I could even be about to step through an invisible door to a magical kingdom. Perhaps The City of Gold.
Or I could just be about to satisfy my #hornyhippo and embark on the 30 Day Sex Challenge with my husband, Pal.
After Wild Thing was published on the Mum’s Lounge Billboard last week (Mon 24th Oct), I discovered that I was not alone in my feelings of rejection and utter disbelief that so many women abhor sex with their husbands.
What I learnt from those who commented, emailed or spoke to me on Twitter or Facebook was that many women DO enjoy sex, but often it really is the last “chore” on their list of priorities. And that most women felt bad about that.
I also managed to have myself dubbed #hornyhippo due to the caption on the picture, and rather than be embarrassed by such a moniker I’m owning it and running with it.
Photographer:JASON EDWARDS/National Geographic Stock
Fast forward a week after Wild Thing went live and I was speaking to My Bestie Amelia (who may or may not be the “very good friend” I referred to…) and she was telling me how she saw this thing about a 30 Day Sex Challenge at the doctors, but did not read it properly, and thus translated the instructions into: “You must have sex with your husband every day for 30 days”. It seemed like the logical conclusion to draw.
After she told me about this, I started thinking.
Could it be that Pal feels the way so many women feel: He wants to have sex but it rates low on priorities when he is tired, struggling and worn out after working all day and then coming home in the midst of the dinner/bath/bed routine?
Could it be that Pal’s motivation to have sex was lacking simply because it seemed like too much effort for a school night?
And so I began to research the 30 Day Sex Challenge and came across the Relevant Church. (There’s a book and everything, which I will probably have to buy now I’ve committed myself, right?)
From what I have read and understood, the 30 Day Sex Challenge – A Journey to Intimacy, is not just about getting your rocks off for the whole month (although nothing sounds bad about that to me, the #hornyhippo, at all).
It is about reconnecting with your spouse, investigating one another’s emotional and physical needs (there is a workbook people, I told you I was committed) in the hopes of becoming a stronger and more fulfilling couple.
I’m all about that shiz!
Pal is all about letting me express my #hornyhippo and strengthening our marriage at the same time.
And then letting me blog about it.
God love that man!
And this is why Pal won’t buy me Photoshop. Lucky Picnik lets me do it for free.
Lion: Photographer:BEVERLY JOUBERT/National Geographic Stock Hippo: Photographer: JOEL SARTORE/National Geographic Stock
So, if you’d like to join me (not literally, what I mean is if you and your spouse would like to join US, but not in our bedroom, because that would be weird) on the 30 Day Sex Challenge, feel free to contact me (all my linky loos are down there at the bottom, holler at me whichever way pleases you best). We can brainstorm, create a support group, or even just chat about how you (and your love monkey partner are travelling with the challenge. If you write about it on your own blog or website DEFINITELY let me know so I can read it and link to you in my posts!
There is an Emotional Needs Questionnaire
And the Relevant Church Blog about the official 30 Day Sex Challenge (there’s lots of reading, and don’t worry about the churchy stuff if you’re not into that, the whole thing is ridiculously applicable to any couple).
Kick off for mine and Pal’s personal 30 Day Sex Challenge is November 1st, but you can start yours anytime you like!
I’ll be posting about this once a week throughout November on Mum’s Lounge, just for overshare overkill!
Daisy blogs at Daisy, Roo and Two , tweets as @daisyrooandtwo and Facebook overshares at her Daisy, Roo and Two Facebook page.