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Buy Yoobi Branded Back-to-School Supplies to Help Struggling Aussie Kids

yoobi back-to-school

Buy Yoobi Branded Back-to-School Supplies to Help Struggling Aussie Kids

While most QLD public schools started back this week, many schools around the nation start back next week.

This time of year can be expensive for parents, especially when getting over the cost of Christmas. Back-to-school costs can add up quickly and they can make a big dent to a family’s budget.

New data reveals many children go without basic school supplies because of widespread poverty affecting Australian children.

A survey was conducted by Education Changemakers and Australian stationery brand, Yoobi, which found 92 per cent of primary school teachers spent hundreds of dollars from their own pockets to supply basic school stationery supplies for their students. A whopping 69 per cent of teachers admitted to spending up to $500 on classroom and stationery supplies in the past year for their students.

Yoobi are adamant about helping children with their schooling. They operate with the premise that for every Yoobi item purchased, another Yoobi item is donated to a child or classroom in need in Australia through The Smith Family.

It can be hard to imagine the poverty being so widespread in Australia, considering we’re a first world country. Yet many families can be disadvantaged due to cost of living stresses or losing a job.

The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) Poverty Report 2016 showed 1.1million children and young people will be living in poverty across Australia and they won’t be able to afford stationery or basic needs for school.

As a result, many teachers take on the personal financial burden to help these students so they don’t get left behind.

But Yoobi may be the answer to cushion the financial burden on teachers and struggling parents.

The You Buy, Yoobi Gives approach worked with great success last year. The company has only been in operation for 12 months and they have donated enough school supplies to cover 24,000 school children for an entire school year. The brand was originally launched in America, and over 2 million children were impacted.
As a result of the new research and launch of Yoobi in Australia, parents are encouraged to purchase Yoobi stationery as it will help students who can’t afford their basic stationery supplies.

Stationery has become a trend of late and some items can be quite expensive, however, Yoobi offers bright, happy and colourfully styled products which retail between $3 and $10.

Lance Kalish, cofounder of Yoobi says, “Shopping for back to school items is always a time of excitement and anticipation as kids get ready to head into another school year, but unfortunately, that isn’t the case for all Australian kids. Yoobi is about levelling the playing field by providing fundamental access to school supplies for children in need and with the help of the back to school shopping public, we are well on track to achieve our goal of providing to 100,000 kids in the next year.”

Yoobi Cofounders Ido Leffler and Lance Kalish

If you’re in the throes of buying new stationery for your kids to start school, why not consider buying from Yoobi, because you’ll be helping two students – your child and someone else’s.

Yoobi is available at Officeworks and online.

Rebecca Senyard

Rebecca Senyard

Rebecca Senyard is a plumber by day and stylist by night but these days she changes more nappies than washers. She is a happily married mum to three young daughters who she styles on a regular basis. Rebecca is not only an award winning plumber, she also writes an award winning blog called The Plumbette where she shares her life experiences as a plumber and mother. Rebecca also blogs at Styled by Bec believing a girl can be both practical and stylish. Links to the blogs are and