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Dad Filmed a Short Clip of His Daughter Every Week Until She Was 20 and the Results Are Breathtaking

Dad Filmed a Short Clip of His Daughter Every Week Until She Was 20 and the Results Are Breathtaking

It seems like our children are growing before our very eyes and the truth is, they really are! The years seem to go by faster and faster and before we know it, our children are teens and then suddenly, all grown up.

And nothing demonstrates just how quickly they grow and change like a good time-lapse video, which is exactly what we have here.

Dutch artist and filmmaker Frans Hofmeester has filmed his daughter Lotte every week from the day she was born until she turned 20. Named Portrait of Lotte, his viral video began back in 1999 when she was born. The devoted dad filmed 15-second clips of his lovely daughter every week in the same style, piecing them together to perfectly capture her life from a tiny baby to a beautiful woman.

Hofmeester calls his project “the ultimate coming of age time-lapse”.

“When Lotte was born, she was changing at such a rapid pace, and I was desperate to keep the memories intact,” he explained. “As any parent knows, the difference between a child at two days old and two months old is startling.

“I wanted to try and convey the essence of my children, of how they look to me.”

The father of two has also begun a similar weekly filming session with his son Vince.

“Sometimes they did not feel like it. Then I said, ‘Just one minute. Tell me about your ball game, did you win?’ That way I stalled them so I could complete the shot”.

Watch his daughter Lotte grow up before your eyes right here:

Here is Vince’s video from birth to 16 years:

“I was so afraid that I’d forget how they look,” he said. “Now I never will.

Truly amazing!


Source: Youtube/Hofmeester

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!