DVD Love…But Not in a Kinky Way

Hey, everyone! My name’s George Ivanoff. I’m a Melbourne based children’s author and stay-at-home Dad. Among my many interests is an obsession with that shiny disc of entertainment, commonly referred to as a DVD. So great is my interest that I decided to start up my own DVD blog — Viewing Clutter. Mostly I review DVDs and Blu-ray discs, but I occasionally wax lyrical about why I love DVDs so much. So, here for your reading pleasure, I present one of those waxed posts.
DVD love… but not in a kinky way
I love DVDs. (I may have mentioned this in previous posts.) Why do I love them? Let me count the ways. (Apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning for the butchered misquote.)
One. I love the fact that the advent of DVDs introduced the concept of ‘extra features’ as a standard rather than as a special treat… although extras did occasionally pop up on VHS cassettes. I still have my VHS copy of E.T.: The Extra-terrestrial, which contains a great doco that has not been subsequently re-released. I enjoy listening to commentaries and eagerly view deleted scenes — and I’m in DVD heaven when the deleted scenes come with a commentary.
Two. I love the fact that all sorts of old and obscure stuff gets released on DVD. I’m particularly enamoured of old, crappy sci-fic tv/fantasy show like Voyagers and Eerie Indiana. I’m currently watching seaQuest 2033 (that’s the renamed, third season of seaQuest DSV) and M.A.N.T.I.S., both of which I’ll be reviewing here soon.
Three. I love the actual, physical format — the bright, shiny disc of entertainment that is capable of storing so much more than an old VHS cassette.
Four. And then there’s the packaging. I love packaging. It’s an important part of the whole DVD experience. From slimline cases to extravagant inner cases within outer slipcases and embossed collectors tins. That’s not to say that I’m obsessed with gimmicky packaging. As well as being attractive, it also needs to be practical — allowing convenient storage. Sometimes, distributors get a bit carried away… the Cylon head that contained the US release of the original Battlestar Galactica, for example.
So, wherever possible, I try to mention the packaging in my DVD reviews. This isn’t always possible, as many review discs are sent out naked. This is due to them being preview discs, distributed prior to the official release. Nothing but a plain disc with a sticker on it. Disappointing, but often necessary. C’est la vie!
Anyway… time for me to push off and watch another DVD.
Catch ya later, George
You can find out more about George over on his blog, Viewing Clutter.