How to Help Your Child Figure Out What They Want to Do After School

How to Help Your Child Figure Out What They Want to Do After School
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Almost from the moment your child starts high school, they are expected to make choices on which subjects to take in order to stand them in good stead for their future. But the reality is that most kids, even those about to complete their final year, aren’t sure what they want to do after high school. This can lead to a certain amount of stress and anxiety for both parents and their soon-to-be-adult offspring.
The truth of it is, whether we as parents are ready for it or not, they are growing up, and only they can make the decision on their future career path. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t play an active role in helping them to do the research and make an informed decision. One of the most important tasks we have as parents is to prepare our teen for adulthood – which can be both rewarding and if we are honest, slightly daunting.
Fortunately, Upskilled have done that homework for you. (I know, what a relief, right?)
‘The ‘How to Ace High School and What To Do After’ is a fantastic resource for senior high school students (although parents and guardians will also benefit greatly from reading it too) and it’s absolutely FREE.
The guide has been produced by Upskilled, a leading Registered Training Organisation (RTO), so you can rest assured that it contains relevant, up-to-date and reliable information and advice. Far from being a little dry or boring as you might expect, ‘How to Ace High School and What to Do After’ is beautifully presented, engaging and incorporates a wealth of handy tips, tricks and options your teen should consider before, during and after completing their senior secondary certificate.
Topics covered in this school survival guide include:
Goals – how to set them and stick to them
Stress – how to manage it
Health – how looking after your mind and body leaves you in the best shape to do well at school
Balance – how to find between study and social life
Prioritising – how to prioritise your workload and plan assignments
Exams – How to prepare for exams, useful study techniques and ways to stay cool, calm and collected during exam time.
Options – options available after school
Dream Job – steps on how to reach your career goal
The transition from school to the workforce or further study needn’t be a daunting one for our teenager (or for us for that matter!) As the old saying goes, ‘knowledge is power.’
So arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible by downloading this helpful and informative guide absolutely FREE here today.
And don’t forget to share it with other parents and their teens who may also be at this stage or approaching it in the near future. We’re all in this together!
Upskilled is a leading Registered Training Organisation (RTA) that innovates the effective and efficient delivery of vocational qualifications and short courses to professionals, job seekers and school leavers. As one of the largest RTO’s in Australia, we partner with businesses and career-minded individuals to achieve the best outcome for all our students. We offer over 100 courses across 20 disciplines as well as more than 200 short courses.