Home Schooling Tips

Home Schooling Tips
The new home-schooling parent may be overwhelmed at the various options available for curriculum and activities. Some practical advice for new home school parents will help take the fear and trepidation out of undertaking the education of your children.
Learn State Laws
Each state has different laws regarding home-schooling. Research what the laws are in your state to determine what is required to legally home school your children. Some states mandate a certain number of days each year while most require a set number of hours. Every state requires parents to file out certain forms that need to be filed with the state. A good source for all home school parents is www.hslda.org
Learning Styles
Determine your child’s learning style. Curriculum choices are vast and varied, many of them revolve around different learning styles. A hands on learner will not excel with book work. Finding the right curriculum to match your child’s learning style should be a top priority.
Search online for recommendations for a curriculum based on their learning method.
Choosing the right curriculum is very overwhelming to the first time home-schooling parent. There are many websites that home school parents utilize to sell their used books. Buying used curriculum is a great way to save money and determine if a certain book publisher works for your child’s needs. The website
www.freehomeschooling101.com is a fantastic resource for all things free in home-schooling. Some parents strictly use free resources to educate their children paying only the cost of printer ink and paper.
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