How to Help Care for Your Ageing Grand/Parents

How to Help Care for Your Ageing Grand/Parents
How can you help to care for your aging grand/parent(s) whilst they are still in their home? With the recent changes made to aged care legislation in July 2014, the Government as part of these changes, will be offering improved support and care at home for the elderly. There are however some steps you can take to share the load with your family to assist your grand/parents(s).
• Prepare in advance.
Usually, the problems associated with aging don’t come on all at once. Your grand/mother or grand/father will gradually lose the ability to function. When this starts to happen, take action. Don’t wait until the last minute, as you will be left with less choice and long waiting lists. Encourage your grand/parents to have their wills drafted. Get a power of attorney so that you can make decisions, if needed. Create a master document with a list of important accounts, account numbers, passwords and who to contact in an emergency. It only takes a little work to gather this information when your grand/parents are healthy, and it can save a lot of headache later on.
• Define roles and share the load
It’s important that everyone is transparent and across all decisions so no one feels they are being left out or becomes resentful feeling that they are given more tasks than another sibling. Not everyone can (or should) help in the same way. For instance one child could organise appointments and paperwork. Another child may take charge of home maintenance and appliances and another may help with meals, routine chores and keeping an eye on your grand/parent(s). If your family works together to draw on each person’s strengths, it’s easier to help your aging grand/parent.
• Advocate loudly
Nobody cares more about your family’s situation than you do. There are doctors, case managers and social workers to assist, but ultimately it’s up to you to act and research on behalf of your grand/parents. Be assertive, because no one will care and act on behalf of your grand/parents as much as you do. Ensure that management of your grand/parent(s) legal, financial, medical and social matters are in hand.
• Check for resources
No matter what your situation, there are resources to help. But you may have to spend hours — or days — looking until you find the help you need. Ask around and check websites. Try goggling ‘Admin and support services for seniors’ or ‘help for seniors’. Your grand/parent(s) may qualify for assistance such as access to Commonwealth funded residential care, residential respite, Community Aged care packages etc, but you will need to organize an ACAS assessment first, so contact your grand/parent(s) family doctor to get the ball rolling. Even if you don’t want (or don’t qualify for) government help, there are places that can point you to private companies that can help.
• Communicate
Your aging grand/parent(s) can wreak havoc on family dynamics. Siblings need constant, clear and transparent communication. It’s hard to get your head around your grand/parent is no longer looking out for you, roles are reversed and you need to be there and look after them.
We remember our grand/parent(s) the way they used to be and want them like that again. The reality is, they will only deteriorate and need more help and assistance over time. Working together as a family, and doing what is best for our grand/parent(s) is our ultimate goal, so it’s never too early to take those initial steps to care for you grand/parent(s) whilst they are still at home.
Jennifer Brosnan is the business owner of Leave it with me, a service providing seniors and their families with administrative, project and support facilities to bring clarity and order to their paperwork, documentation, bill paying and records.
When Jennifer is not working she is busy with her 3 primary school aged children and loves to run or ride her bike. She is involved in her local community as a committee member on business networking groups, organising street dinners, mum get together’s and other social events.
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