Husbands Prove That You Should Never Mess with a Pregnant Woman in These Hilarious Posts

Husbands Prove That You Should Never Mess with a Pregnant Woman in These Hilarious Posts
Between hormonal mood swings and bizarre food cravings, pregnancy can be a bitch. One minute you are happily nibbling on your second (third? Who’s counting?) doughnut and the next you’re sobbing over a Telstra ad. It’s a tough gig being pregnant.
These husbands and partners of pregnant women have learnt that it is impossible to win an argument with their knocked up significant others. They have shared their experiences on social media, giving us all plenty of giggles in the process.
Please enjoy these hilariously relatable posts!
This is the quote I woke up to…
“Can you turn over and face the other way? Your breath is making me nauseous.”#PregnantWifeLife— Chris Pendleton (@ChrisnotBritton) April 24, 2015
After two nights in the guest room, I’m officially back in the master and I’m even allowed my own pillow! #preggowifelife
— Brian (@huntington_bt) September 3, 2015
#wifey-“You know what I love?”
Me-“Me”#wifey-“No, white chocolate”#preggowifeprobz— chris hooker (@TheMrHooker) April 25, 2012
The boobs are growing.
…The boobs are too sore to be enjoyed. DAMMIT!#pregnantwife #newdad #boobtease
— Frothy Dad (@FrothyDad) April 8, 2017
Note to self #153: Never take away a pregnant woman’s ice-cream. She will punch you. In the throat. #preggerswife
— Christopher Smith (@TheLensLife) May 12, 2011
Ryan wins husband of the year. #PregnantWife #nuffsaid
— Ashley Goss (@ms_mojoe) October 8, 2017
10:00AM – Best husband in the world
10:02AM – Why the fuck did I even marry you
10:04AM – Best husband in the world
Repeat #MyPregnantwife— Zastro (@dearpreggywife) May 11, 2015