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Long Hair Don’t Care: Mum Hits Back At Comments on her Sons’ Long Hair

sons long hair

A mum who has had her sons criticized for their long hair has responded with a ‘Little Boys’ Hair 101 post on her blog Facebook page, Chloe and Beans. The post has been liked by 3000 fans and has encouraged mums of boys with long hair to share their pictures.

Chloe Dunstan is mum to Evan, four, Otto, three, Felix, two, and 11-month-old triplets, Henry, Rufus and Pearl.

The mum is perplexed why people feel the need to comment or criticize her for keeping her sons’ hair long.

She opened her post with the following comment, “Male hair has the ability to grow long, just like female hair.”

chloe and beans facebook post

“Sometimes people tell us it needs to be cut off because it’s too heavy, uncomfortable, too hot or unclean when it’s long; if that’s the case, I’m just wondering why we shouldn’t shave girls’ hair off, too?

“Is it because boys are allowed to be more comfortable than girls? And girls should sacrifice comfort for aesthetics? I dunno, you tell me.”

Dunstan has been warned by people that her boys will be picked on for having long hair. Her response to this was, “So teach your children not to bully people for how they look.”

“That would be a good start. I will never teach my kids that they should change the way they are just to avoid comments from small-minded people.

boys with long hair

“And even if my boys ‘look like girls’, that’s fine by us! Why would looking like a girl be a bad thing?”

Despite the comments from well-meaning people, Dunstan doesn’t care if her boys are misidentified as girls.

“It happens 99.9% of the time when we are out and I just say: ‘Oh, they’re actually boys’, and the kind people say: ‘Oh okay, oops!” but the assholes say: ‘BOYS? ARE YOU SURE?’

“Why do people even care if they’re boys or girls? There is actually no reason you need to know what a child has between their legs. No reason. At all.

“Some kids don’t like having their hair cut. My kids don’t like having their hair cut. They get really upset about it actually. I don’t want to upset my children.”

The mum explained her kids are clean, comfortable, kind, healthy and confident with who they are.

“This is what matters most. Their hair is actually fabulous.”


What do you think? Does your son/s have long hair? Do they hate getting their hair cut?

Rebecca Senyard

Rebecca Senyard

Rebecca Senyard is a plumber by day and stylist by night but these days she changes more nappies than washers. She is a happily married mum to three young daughters who she styles on a regular basis. Rebecca is not only an award winning plumber, she also writes an award winning blog called The Plumbette where she shares her life experiences as a plumber and mother. Rebecca also blogs at Styled by Bec believing a girl can be both practical and stylish. Links to the blogs are and