Mother Petitions Her Local Big W Store to Stop Gender Stereotyping

Jenna Cole, a Perth mother of two, has started a campaign against her local Belmont Big W store after they installed large gender signs above their toy sections.
Mrs Cole started a petition on Monday to rally support for the cause. The petition is gaining momentum and support from so many people that it’s currently sitting at around 10,000 signatures.

Around the world retailers are making great progress by removing gender labeling from their toy aisles to help dissolve gender stereotyping from our children’s play time,’ Mrs Cole wrote on the petition.
‘But amongst all this progress Big W in Belmont, Western Australia has decided to make a giant step backwards and install large gender labelled signs above the toy section.’

‘The damaging impacts of gender stereotyping our children is a topic I am quite passionate about so please support me and sign my petition,’ she wrote.
Big W has responded to Mrs. Cole by saying:
‘Big W prides itself in being an inclusive company and we completely agree that we want to represent everyone in society,’ they wrote, ‘Please know, it is certainly not our intention to offend or discriminate against our customers and if this is the case we sincerely apologise for this,’
‘We would like to advise, due to the high demand of concerns surrounding the issue…please note your feedback has been taken on board in hopes to make positive changes within Big W.’
Do you think there should be a distinction between boys and girls toys? Should Big W remove the signs?
You can show your support by signing the petition here.
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