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How to Motivate Your Teenager into the Workforce

teenage expo


Having to go to work is now realty for everyone.

We have learnt that job satisfaction is not just about the money. Money is always important, but we now know we want more out of life. We need to feel good about ourselves while we are at work. This means choosing a career is important. Often young people can feel confused and lost in all the choices. It’s easy, start them thinking about what they think is fun, interesting and what they enjoy doing. Then think of a career that allows them to do it every day. Here are a few tips to get young people motivated and get them thinking!  

1.That’s a hard industry to get into.

As adults we often warn our children about the dangers of wanting to be part of the industries that could be far out of their reach. Instead of advising them of what can’t be done, remind them that anything is possible and that their dreams are of value. Of course some vocations do require greater skills, attributes and qualifications and only a small number of people qualify, but this does not mean they could not be one of these persons; anything is possible. By hard work and focus anything is achievable and the sky is the limit.  Do not kill their dreams: no matter how limited you may think they are: encourage them! Encourage them that they can achieve all their dreams. They just have to do what it takes to get to where they want to be.  

2. Ask questions, do your research.

Acquaint your teenager with the possibility of finding someone that is already in the career they have chosen and arrange a meeting with them. Make sure they ask them all that this particular career entails: the pros, the cons, the everyday mundane and the extraordinary. They will then discover the day to day life of that person. Most people in any industry would be willing to sit down with an interested participant and answer questions pertinent to their particular career.  It is very important that the teenager themselves does all the research, do not do it for them. Advise them of the method perhaps but that is all. This is their life and it will show the measure of their enthusiasm they by how much work they put into it.  

 3.Use your networks.

It’s not always what you know it’s sometimes who you know! It is surprising how many people we might know that could help us so remind them of this. Tell them to not to be afraid to ask around and find out anybody that night be in the profession they are looking to be in. One never knows unless they ask.

 4.Work experience.

Most schools give you two weeks a year where you can try any career you like. It is vital that your teenager takes this seriously! Imagine you had two weeks to try any career without any limits. Encourage them to try the ultimate ideal: don’t let them waste this great opportunity! This might take some planning, so remind them that this work experience is available in year 10 so tell them to plan ahead and start the discussions early. Remember, don’t limit their expectations.

5. Hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself.

One of the most important ways to open yourself to unlimited possibilities is not be around people that will scoff at your dreams and bring you down. Make sure they are surrounded by positive friends who also have high ideals. This might not be an easy task so the positivity must begin at home so you will have to be the primary example. Don’t forget if you want your teenager to strive for high ideals you must live that same life first.

teenage expo 

Sacha Kaluri


Australian Teenage Expo





Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.