The Solution if you are Fed Up with Name Labels?

I refuse to even consider sew on labels for the kids. I tried the iron on ones and they stuck to the baking paper. I tried stick on and they either fall off or get picked off by twitchy fingers. I mostly resort to black marker pen (amateur hour) but it is no good for little things.
I’m pleased to report I have found the best solution to date. I was asked to review ‘Stamp Tastic’ and I was super keen given my kids haven’t even hit school yet and I knew there was possibly years of frustration ahead given my brief foray in to this world.
Stamp Tastic is a simple but oh, so effective name label system. I got three custom made stamps (one for each child) made from clear Perspex for easy lining up and a special ink pad developed for application to wood, plastic, materials and metal.
It is actually pretty fun doing the stamping and heaps better than ironing or sewing. I must admit, the ink doesn’t stay on the silicon-feel drink bottles very well but it is so easy to re-apply. I leave my stamps in the pantry and if I notice a container or other pre-school item is missing a label it takes two seconds to whip out my trusty stamps.
They can easily be ordered online at One stamp costs 17 Pounds and each one after is cheaper. The fifth is free!
I can highly recommend these stamps. I would buy them and they are also a great gift idea – especially if you get the fifth free!
Jodi McAlary is Mum to identical triplet girls. They are 4 years old! Jodi is also the Founder of NSW and ACT kid’s activity website, You can connect with her via Facebook.