Top Tips For Making Baby Food At Home

Top Tips for Making Baby Food at Home
Watching babies grow is incredible. Watching your own baby grow is an entirely different experience. Remember when you were pregnant? You would have done anything to make sure that you were putting only the absolute best foods into your body for the sake of your little one. Knowing that it is your body that will nourish and protect that small life becomes a top priority and one we take very seriously.
It is funny how our priorities change once the baby is born however, and we find ourselves picking up whatever is on sale down the baby food aisle! I remember feeding my little pumpkin a jar full of peaches (which of course taste so good that I sneak a spoonful myself) when I stopped to read the label.
Rest assured, there was nothing natural about any of the ingredients (most of which I could not even pronounce), and so the decision was made that I should make my own baby food.
In this day and age of baby wearing, cloth diapering and breastfeeding, one would think that making your own baby food is just another thing to add to the long list of “to do’s” for new mum’s, but it is much easier than you think.
First, it is best to start with organic ingredients. If you don’t have access to organic fruits, vegetables and meats then try to look for labels that say “pesticide free” or “antibiotic free”.
Next, you’ll need to decide how to make the baby food. There are some pretty nifty products on the market like an all in one baby food maker. These gadgets will steam cooks the food first and then makes it into a puree, so it is edible for baby.
Try to stay away from baby food grinders and food mills, as they can be physically exhausting and aren’t always guaranteed to get the job done right. If you’ve already got a food processor or a blender at home, you can use that too!
Or as I did, simply add all your chosen foods for the week into the steamer, then mash with a potato masher and save for later use. Combining different foods together is a great way to try different flavours mixed. Kids don’t seem to mind one bit!
I love to put leftovers in ice cube trays so baby can enjoy another meal at a later time. Simply pop out of the ice tray, warm up in the microwave or a bowl in hot water and serve! Take the time out of having to make your own food for every meal. The benefits of making your own baby food are simply that baby is getting fresh ingredients, fruits, vegetables and grains and can even eat what the rest of the family is eating!
What are some of your favourite baby food making tips? Let us know in the comments below!
Janell Fowler is a WAHM to her 3 year old daughter Addison whilst running her own company BabyButton evolved from realising the needs of essential products for mums to feel relaxed and confident in all stages of their baby’s lives. See how we can enhance your life as a busy mum, whilst continuing to be stylish and unique with the help of BabyButton.