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Turning 40 – And Not Over the Moon About It!

big 4 - 0

big 4 - 0

I am soon to be 40 and not sure if I want to be 40. Not much of a choice, you either turn 40 or die. I know the one that I would rather, living and getting older is my preference and I am sure it would be yours.

I was not keen on the idea of my birthday this year, I love birthdays, the party, and of course the presents however two of my dearest friends have gotten very ill (Cancer) at the same age or close to it. So I am rather worried about turning 40 as from speaking to others it is by all accounts when sad things start to happen health wise.

Age is not everything, and it is how you look after yourself, feel, act, and look that determines everything. I for one don’t believe I look my age and for one don’t feel like I am approaching this milestone. I dread to think of it as a milestone.

By 40 I thought I would have so much organised, a massive savings account, a great job, grown children, and a house that is mostly paid off by now. Instead my kids are only four, I am a stay at home mother, and we are still paying off our house. I am blessed with a great family and husband that gives me the ability to stay home to care for my girls. Like everyone approaching a big birthday number, you think of all the things that you wanted to do or at least expected to have done or be doing at this age.

I have done a lot so don’t get me wrong, but I need to stay healthy and strong for my two little girls who I need to be around for. So the worry of my good friend recently has made me decide to make an appointment at the doctors to get a once over and blood to check for any diseases, especially any cancers that might be lurking.
My concern is getting a surprise like my friend when I turn this age, so I hope to nip it in the bud. I am making sure my diet is great, I am not drinking too much, I am exercising and drinking plenty of water. I think making sure that I get tested to stop the worry is the best for the time being, I don’t want to stress over something that might not be there; but if something is found if it is early the better options there are.

Have you been excited about the birthday but not the age? What did you do for your milestone birthday? Has a close friend become very ill? How has this affected you and them? If your friend is ill now or in the past I hope they survived and are doing well. It has hit me hard and I am doing my best to be strong.


I am ex career girl (well still a career girl, but not in the office and getting paid), I have worked for the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), News Ltd.’s, as a producer and lots more.
I am a mother to four year old identical twin girls, who keep me very busy. On top of looking after the girls, I have finished a master’s degree in project management and keen to graduate, I blog on my blog Mummy to Twins, I attempt to keep the house clean and tidy, and I try to fit in some me time as well.



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.