Woman Is Curious About Where Her Sister’s Babies Came From

Woman Is Curious About Where Her Sister’s Babies Came From
A woman found herself questioning her sister’s mysterious baby announcements after she was initially told they weren’t able to conceive and were against adoption. Is she wrong in wanting to know where the babies came from?
The Reddit user took to the Am I The A**hole forum to ask for advice about the mysterious appearance of her new niece and nephew. The post described how her 25 year old sister was told by doctors she’d never have a baby naturally. And although they’d been doing IVF she was adamant they wouldn’t adopt. So where did these babies come from?
They wrote: “AITA for asking my sister where she got her babies from? This situation is weird. My sister has struggled with infertility problems for years. She and her husband got married at sixteen and have been trying since they were eighteen. Doctors have basically told her she will never have a baby. My sister is also extremely against infant adoption.
They have tried IVF in the past, which hasn’t worked. And while they aren’t totally against surrogacy, they aren’t fans and have stated multiple times they would never go that route. Anyway, ten months ago my sister posted an Instagram photo welcoming her daughter into the world. Of course, we were all ecstatic initially – she was healthy, beautiful, and all-around an amazing baby. For the first three months of her life, no one really noticed anything odd. I think we all assumed my sister had just kept a pregnancy secret or something because she breastfeeds. We weren’t aware you could lactate without giving birth.”
The child however, didn’t look like either of the parents. “We didn’t say anything, because genetics can be weird. Assumed maybe she’d adopted and didn’t want to go back on her previous statements,” she says.
But when the same thing happened again a few months later announcing the surprise arrival of their son and that she was in the second trimester of pregnancy with their third child – suspicions grew even more.
“A cousin asked if they had finally adopted, at which point my sister got upset and reiterated that they would never. At this point, I’m really suspicious. So, finally, last week I ask her where the hell her other two kids are from. They clearly aren’t hers and if she’s still spewing BS about adoption being trauma, how the hell did she get them.”
“My entire family is more or less backing me because we are really concerned about where these kids are from. It sort of put us in a bind. I’m concerned about the kids, but I also want to be in my sister’s life. I don’t feel like my ask was too out of the ordinary considering how strange the situation is. Idk. Am I the a**hole?”
Commenters said she had a right to be concerned over fears the babies could possibly have been kidnapped. Luckily though, this wasn’t the case. The Reddit post was updated with the woman explaining exactly how her sister came to have these babies.
“I just got off the phone with my sister… Both children were conceived with other women. My BIL is a sex worker. He got the first woman pregnant, she expressed that she didn’t want the baby, and basically asked my BIL if he did. He spoke to my sister, they agreed to take the baby. Baby number two was similar, except his bio mom didn’t want to give the baby up. It was meant to go to court for split custody and such. Baby was born premature and he has brain damage. I’m not sure what exactly happened, but bio mom abandoned him at the hospital with my BILs name. He was contacted, they now have the baby. She basically said sorry for overreacting, and that she was just embarrassed.”
Images: Pixabay