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Five Signs It May Be Time to Upgrade to a Bigger Family Home

bigger family home

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Five Signs It May Be Time to Upgrade to a Bigger Family Home

When my husband and I bought our first house (way back in 2003) as newlyweds, there was more than enough room for the two of us. Fast forward twelve years, with three children, 2 dogs and a cat and the same home, even with it’s huge backyard area, feels more like a rabbit hutch than a family home. We are literally bursting at the seams!

Making the decision to sell your first home isn’t easy – particularly when you have an emotional attachment to it. (It is the only home our children have known, and the house that we brought each of them home to from the hospital) but when your living space has become so cramped that your linen cupboard also doubles as a place to store the family board games and other random objects, and you can’t buy anymore than a 6-pack of toilet rolls at a time because you have zero storage space available, you know it’s time to think about upgrading the family home.

Sound familiar?

Here are the 5 Signs It May Be Time to Upgrade to a Bigger Family Home

Not only do new babies and children take up space in our hearts, they also take up space in our homes…and a lot of it! Even small babies take up big spaces with cots and change tables and toys…and, yeah, more toys. Then they get bigger, and they have, you guessed it…more toys, and bigger beds…and Lego. Seriously – there is always so much Lego!

Shared Bedrooms are no Longer a Comfortable Option

There are just 20 months between my sons, who currently share a bedroom. They like the same footy team, enjoy the same sporting activities and get along well (as far as siblings go!) So as far as decorating the bedroom and playing together is concerned they are a match made-in-heaven. Unfortunately it all falls apart pretty quickly come bedtime, when one tends to sleep-talk (loudly), thrash around a lot, and wake at 5.30am. It’s no fun of course being awake in the dark on your own, so my early riser tends to wake up his younger brother (who would much rather sleep at least another 2 hours on account of being woken in the night by his brother’s flailing limbs and nonsensical babbling). You get my drift, right? It just isn’t working. Sometimes even little people need their own space.

Location, Location, Location!

Often our priorities regarding the perfect location to live are very different pre-children. All of a sudden it’s not so important to live next door to the late night bars and discos and more important to be within a short drive or walking distance of schools, parks and supermarkets. Fancy that! Does your home’s location still suit your family’s day to day needs and lifestyle?

Family Members of the Furry Kind

Children aren’t the only additions to the family fold. Buying a new family pet can also mean that you need a bigger backyard space to accommodate their needs.

You’re in a Better Financial Position

Many of us can remember scrimping and saving (weekends spent at home, eating beans on toast instead of partying) for the deposit for our first home. If those tough times seem like a distant memory, and your financial health is looking good, now could be a good time to invest in both your family’s comfort and financial future by upgrading to bigger home or better neighbourhood.

Entertaining Has Become a Nightmare

More family members mean more occasions to celebrate and opportunities to entertain your family and friends. But throwing a home birthday party, or having people over for Christmas or just a BBQ can be difficult if your entertaining space is cramped. A larger family home could be the difference between turning those happy occasions into a joy rather than a hindrance.

How many of the above boxes did your family tick? Thinking of moving to a bigger family home?

Before you start the all important home-hunting process, consider how much you might be able to afford to borrow with this handy home loan calculator from Heritage Bank.



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.