Busy and Healthy is Possible – It Starts with How You Think

Having been a single mother of 2 children for over 5 years, whilst having successfully run a multi-million dollar company and now living in a blended family of 4 children and building a new company from scratch, I know what busy really means and I know how hard it is to stay on top of your health and food, with little time and little money, definitely something we can all appreciate at the moment.
Now, whilst lack of time and lack of money are real issues that we all face in today’s fast moving world, I also know that it is possible (having found out the hard way) to stay healthy, eat well and get some relaxation into your life if not everyday then every second or third day at least.
We have been indoctrinated by masses of information to exercise EVERYDAY, eat low fat, eat less, drink less, all things that sound great on paper but for people that are living hectic lives, it is simply not a reality to be able to manage all those things as well as keep all the plates spinning. We try and try and try to make it happen and we become YO YO dieters & YO YO exercisers, meeting no goals or outcomes and eventually feeling like we are failing, which doesn’t help a working parent at all, who already lives with the guilt of not being there enough for the children and therefore failing as a “good” parent!
So, after traumatising myself for many years by trying to be perfect at everything all the time and subsequently failing, I finally realised that the most important thing for me to be a great parent, friend, boss etc was to make sure that I stopped listening to the “perfect world” advice and do enough to ensure that I maintained a good level of health and well being without feeling like I had to compromise of everything else that my life needed from me. This meant that I had to accept some major changes in my thinking and behaviour, so to kick start you off here are my top 5 changes, for you to ponder over.
- Feeling healthy is more important than the perfect fat free body
- You dont need to exercise for an hour everyday to feel good
- A little bit of exercise a few times a week can make you feel good and make you think better
- Somedays you will not eat perfectly but as long as those days are less than the others thats ok
- Taking 15-30 minutes of time every other day for yourself is OK and everyone else can wait!
Nicole Monteforte, born and bred in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, educated at
Kincoppal Rose Bay, and following this achieved the highest distinctions’ for her Bachelor of Physical Educational and Human Movement degree, which was the beginning of her successful career.
Having worn many hats over the years since then, from sales associate, small business owner, change agent, organisational training and development manager to a single mother whilst being a full time company director of one of the world’s largest health club chains, her skills stretch across a huge variety of areas. Nicole’s passion has always been about understanding that maintaining ones health and well-being, is something most people put to the side when they get busy, without realising that it’s not as hard as everyone thinks and more important than anything else one does.
Nicole has now started on a new venture with a small group of industry veterans as an owner and Chief Operating Officer of FitnFast Health Clubs
Nicole’s skills as a leader, as well as her drive and commitment to lead her Teams to success are attributes that have seen her excel in whatever she does. As a speaker, consultant or valued team member of any company, Nicole is truly a valuable commodity.