Fat Loss for the Time Poor

So much to do, so little time. Who doesn’t feel like that? Which is why I’ve come up with these time-efficient tips for burning fat. In fact, they’re so time-efficient that even the article is short!
You’ll need to do at least two fitness and two strength sessions each week. Remember – no-one has the time to train, they make the time to train. So set aside 4 lots of 30-minutes and you’re on your way.
Sample fitness sessions:
1. Go for a brisk walk (or jog if you can) for 30 minutes, interrupted with 6 x 2-minute bursts of running.
2. Find a big set of stairs or a hill. Walk or run up it as fast as you can, then jog slowly or walk back down to recover. Repeat for 30 minutes.
Sample strength sessions:
1. Big muscle groups burn more fuel. Try doing 20 squats, 20 push-ups, 20 lunges on your left leg, 20 lunges on your right leg, then sit against the wall for as long as you can. Repeat 2 more times.
2. Do a little warm-up first. Then set a 6-minute timer. Do 12 squats, 12 alternate lunges, 12 push-ups and 12 tricep dips. Go back to the squats and repeat, until your 6-minutes is up. Take a little break, and then repeat 2 more times.
Train well,
Gretchen Masters loves helping everyone to get fitter, healthier and happier. With the solid foundations of an exercise science degree and over 10 years experience in the fitness industry, Gretchen knows how to help you to get the most out of your training.
For more information
P 1300 65 25 66
Gretchen’s biggest project these days is Spring – a national campaign delivered online to fight depression. Held each September, members follow daily fitness plans, eat good mood food and access meditation podcasts. They track their mood and watch it soar. All of the profits from Spring are donated to mental health charities.
Gretchen also delivers corporate wellness programs and writes regular columns for Inform magazine. When she’s not busy boosting health and vitality all over Australia, you’ll find Gretchen planning her next trip to France. Each July, Gretchen shares her passion and guides groups from the French Alps to Paris, following the Tour de France.
For more information
W www.springfitness.com.au
P 1300 65 25 66