Feel Good by Focusing on the Positive

Old habits die hard – but have you ever wondered what is derailing your attempts to create new ones? For many people it’s a case of self sabotage as a result of concentrating on the wrong things.
Like a torch in a darkened room, wherever you choose to shine the light is what you focus on.
So when you start a health and fitness program, where do you aim your torch? Do you illuminate the good steps you have taken, no matter how small they are? Or do you put the spotlight on the things you think you still have to do?
In my experience working with plenty of frustrated clients, it is the latter that ends up as their main focus. How you approach any new challenge usually depends on your beliefs and the rules that you make as a result of those beliefs. And if those beliefs have based on a ‘glass half empty’ mentality, challenges feel insurmountable.
If you won’t let yourself celebrate your efforts (or habits) until you reach your goal, how long will it take before your brain says “If you’re not going to give me a pat on the back, I’m going back to my old ways?”
If you are always looking at how far you have to go to reach your goal, rather than how far you have come, how motivated will you be to continue on day after day?
If you are constantly comparing your efforts and results to others instead of focusing on yourself, won’t this do your self confidence and self esteem more harm than good?
But the solution to this self destructive behavior is simple – move your torch so the light is shining in a more positive direction.
Here are my top tips to help you do this more often:
TIP 1: Put a rubber band on your wrist. Each time you focus on the negative or tell yourself you are not good enough, simply flick your wrist! Then replace the negative thought with at least two positive ones.
TIP 2: Set a daily reminder on your phone that pops up first thing in the morning and then again at night, which says “today I am grateful for…” Then come up with at least three things, big or small, that you are grateful for.
TIP 3: Celebrate the small stuff! The more frequently your brain hears you giving it praise and love for making good choices, the more it will want to support you … and this leads to goals being achieved sooner.
Self belief comes from repetition and celebration, so start giving yourself gold stars more often!
Lisa Mills is a motivational and mindset chick who has a number of strings to her bow! She is a specialist in women’s weightloss and fitness and practices what she preaches – Lisa understands the difficulties of finding a healthy life balance. For more hints and tips visit Lisa In My Pocket