Healthy Happy Mums on a Mission

Busy mums can achieve extraordinary health and fitness results in Body, Mind and Spirit if we awaken our internal physician and live with passion, drive and determination
I will share with you the tools and techniques needed to achieve your ultimate health and fitness goals while being amazing mums all at the same time.
Let my personal health and fitness journey inspire you to aim for the stars and together we will move forward and become living testaments of health and vitality and teach our children along the way
I am a perfect example of how incredible determination and passion can help you overcome obstacles in life and still achieve your dreams. Seven years ago I underwent open heart surgery as I was born with aortic stenosis (abnormal narrowing of the aortic valve) and my heart needed a new valve desperately.
I was told by doctors that they would replace my aortic valve with a mechanical version and I would never exercise with any type of intensity again much less start a family. This was devastating for me as I was three years into a goal of winning a world natural body building title within 5 years and I had definite goals of having children in the future.
I decided I would not give up as I wanted to achieve my ultimate health and fitness goal so I underwent a radical new surgery called the Ross Procedure which posed more surgical risks but the outcome post surgery was far better. The surgery was a huge success and I just needed to find the key to rebuild my body, mind and soul.
Needless to say the road back was a tough one but I never gave up. While recovering I studied to become a C.H.E.K Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, Master Personal Trainer, IPAC Physiques Conditioning Coach and whole live food nutrition expert. I got back to basics and realised our bodies are built on whole live food nutrition and revitalising exercise. These principles could rebuild and regenerate the most damaged body and by adopting these principles my body began to rebuild quickly and I went from not having the strength to open a small bottle of water to 18months later winning the World Natural Bodybuilding Figure Title and I only went one month over my original 5 year goal.
One month after winning this title I fell pregnant with my daughter Sierra Skye. I was a high risk pregnancy due to my heart surgery and I was not encouraged to exercise at all. I put on a huge amount of weight throughout the pregnancy and I lost most of my hard earned lean muscle tissue. As long as my baby was safe and healthy I was ok with my changing body but I knew in my mind that I would have a big job ahead of me getting back into shape for the second time.
Sierra was born a happy healthy little girl 9 months later and I was so excited to meet her. Returning home from the hospital was a shock to me as I was a new mum learning the ropes and my husband worked away offshore. The sleepless nights and lack of routine soon cast a dark shadow over me. I thought it would be easy to get into my health and fitness regime again but I was totally wrong. My nutrition went out the window as I was living off high calorie lifeless foods which made me feel drained constantly.
After 6 months of finding my feet and getting into a routine I finally took some photos of myself to show me exactly what shape I was in physically and I looked at these images for hours and got really clear about what I wanted to look and feel like and most importantly why. I wrote these down and placed the outcome I wanted on the fridge along with these horrendous pics of myself. This action created a shift within me quickly and I soon devised a plan where I could include Sierra in my daily exercise and I made use of the amazing gym crèche at my local health club. I realised if I wanted to become an amazing mother I needed to look after myself first. Once I started doing this and resurrected my live food eating my body responded quickly like it did after open heart surgery. 12 months after Sierra was born I was back on stage competing in Natural Bodybuilding Figure events and I won the prestigious overall IFBB Elite Figure title which was an amazing feeling as IO never thought I could do this again. Sierra loved her mum feeling and looking great and the routine Sierra was in during those first 12 months has set her up for amazing toddler years.
My starting transformation pics are 6 months after Sierra was born and show an overweight, tired, unhealthy body that needed to be revitalised from within. The final pics show a revitalised, energised body of a happy healthy mum and a World Champion fuelled by Live Whole Food
To become a living testament of health and vitality, there are 6 principles I follow daily
I am living proof that when these principles are used you can achieve amazing success
Intuitively, our body understand exactly how to achieve these life principles if it is given the required support. If any of these foundations are missing it is like having a bucket with a hole in it. I adopted the health principles taught by Dr Clifford Oliver from the C.H.E.K institute holistic lifestyle coach program and these enabled me to develop the 6 elements of the Nazafit fitness lifestyle which rebuilt my body and my clients bodies from within
1: Breath is our number 1 priority for optimal cell function. Poor posture, high stress and poor diet interfere with proper breathing ( diaphragm function ) Breathing deeply and correctly will increase energy levels dramatically
2: Optimum hydration is directly linked to performance and optimal health. The amount of water we drink is crucial. We must drink 30 to 40mls of clean pure water per kg of body weight at rest for optimal cellular health. Increase this amount when training and in hot weather.
3: Enhanced whole food nutrition is wholefoods as nature intended and they create a healthy vibrant body. A large variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds legumes are required daily. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fibre, enzymes and phyto- nutrients. I prefer them raw as they promote alkalinity within the body. Eating quality live whole foods naturally reduces your caloric intake
4: Revitalising exercise is crucial for regeneration of the body. Never over train an already stressed body. Correct timing of workouts in conjunction with your daily food is the key. Over training releases stress hormones into the body which destroy tissues and ages us
5: Sleep and recovery is vital. Cell repair, rejuvenation and healing occurs during sleep and our cell repair happens before the hours of midnight during REM (rapid eye movement). 2 REM cycles is what is needed for total repair to take place. 1 REM cycle takes 1.5 hours so we need 3 hours of good quality sleep before midnight
6: The power of positive thinking. What you focus on …. EXPANDS!! Anything is possible if you have the right mind set, self belief and motivation.
If you keep doing what you have always been doing you’re going to have the energy and vitality you have always had. ~ Anthony Robbins