How to Do Squat Jumps

If you can do Squats, you’re going to love Jump Squats. They are squats on overdrive, working all the same muscles but adding cardio to the mix. The don’t take much room, and all you need is your body.
So here’s how you do them:
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
- Start by doing a regular squat, but when you get to the lowest point jump up explosively, raising your arms and reaching as high into the air as possible.
- Upon landing, lower your body back into the squat position.
One jump is one rep. Try to do 20, rest and repeat.
Neen Monty is NOT a personal trainer…but she’s often called a gym junky, fitness fanatic and health nut. She’s a single mother of two, and knows how challenging it can be to find the time to exercise. Since her diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis five years ago, appropriate exercise has been part of her treatment regime and she is a firm believer in finding a form of exercise that suits your level of fitness, general health and interests.
She writes a blog about Rheumatoid Arthritis called Arthritic Chick and also runs a website selling Pilates DVDs.