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Berry Sensation Panna Cotta Recipe

berry sensation panna cotta recipe

Berry Sensation Panna Cotta Recipe

Served with Berry Sensation jelly, tea soaked cranberries and pistachio & cranberry biscotti

Panna Cotta


500ml pure cream
4 Dilmah Exceptional Berry Sensation tea bags
Sweetener to taste (sugar, honey or vanilla sugar syrup)
Gelatine sufficient to set 500ml


1. Heat cream and sweetener to just below boiling . Add tea bags and let them steep to extract flavours of this smooth fruit tea.
2. Once aroma and flavours are infused into the cream, the mixture should give off a strong aroma and will take on a golden blush colour.
3. At that point remove the tea bags, and mix in the prepared gelatine. Stir well to blend then pour into serving glasses and place into the fridge to set.

Pistachio and Cranberry Biscotti


1 cup white sugar
2 free-range eggs
160 g of dried cranberries and shelled pistachio nuts
2 cups plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder


1. Beat eggs and sugar until pale and thick, the fold in sifted flour, baking powder, pistachios and cranberries. You may need to add more flour if the mixture is too moist.
2. Preheat oven to 170°C.
3. Turn mixture onto floured bench and lightly knead into slightly flattened logs. Place on baking tray and bake for 25 minutes. Remove and allow to cool completely.
4. When cool, slice each log into thin slices using a sharp serrated knife. Arrange slices on baking tray and return to oven at 150°C for 15 -20 minutes, turning the slices once during this time.

Berry Sensation jelly


1 Dilmah Exceptional Berry Sensation tea bag
1 teaspoon raw sugar
Gelatine sufficient to firmly set 250 ml of liquid


1. Using a single Dilmah Exceptional Berry Sensation tea bag make one cup of black tea, adding 1 teaspoon of raw sugar. Do not squeeze the tea bag as it will make your jelly cloudy. Remove the tea bag.
2. Pour a little of the prepared tea into a small dish and add the prepared gelatine to the rest. Stir well and pour into a flat square dish so that your jelly will be about 5 mm deep. Put aside in the refrigerator to set.
3. With the reserved tea, add a spoon full of dried cranberries and set aside to reset.
4. When you are ready to assemble your dish, sit jelly dish in hot water for few seconds then turn the jelly onto a plate or stone bench. Either cut the jelly into small cubes or use small cake decorating cutters to cut alternate shapes.
5. To serve, arrange jelly on top of Panna Cotta with several tea soaked cranberries and serve with pistachio and cranberry biscotti.

Dilmah is a family-owned Sri Lankan tea company established by Merrill J. Fernando, the first tea grower to offer his tea, grown, handpicked and traditionally made, directly from the origin. The Dilmah Family is committed to the traditional, artisanal style of tea-making so rejects the much cheaper but prevalent Cut Twist Curl (CTC) method of tea manufacturing, and emphasises the importance of tea as a luxurious delicacy and a naturally healthy herbal beverage that is rich in variety.