10 Tips for Happiness

10 Tips for Happiness
You know those times when everything comes together? When life is ticking along perfectly and you couldn’t be happier? When you’re lucky, that’s how life feels. But is it really about luck? Or can we take control and create happiness more often?
Sometimes difficult circumstances are thrown our way. Elderly parents get sick, husbands behave badly, kids push us beyond our limits and getting up to face the day each morning feels like an impossible task.
Unfortunately we can’t solve all of your problems for you. But we can offer these 10 tips to get you smiling again. Because often the simple act of smiling will be enough to cheer you up.
1. Surround yourself with inspiring things. From pictures to poems, from flowers to friends. And be inspired by things that are always there – like the way your kids view the world.
2. Write down 5 reasons why it is worth getting out of bed in the morning. Every day. And then look back at your old reasons and giggle at them.
3. Remember that you are awesome. Other people are awesome too. There’s no need to compare.
4. Take time for the things that make you feel good. Like reading a book in bed. Taking a bath. Making your favourite dinner, not everyone else’s favourite. Getting all dressed up.
5. Enjoy some time on your own. Do something peaceful, or maybe do nothing at all. It’s OK to ask someone else to babysit for no particular reason.
6. Remember that your body is not an ornament. Be thankful for all that it can do for you. And what it has already done.
7. Be nice to yourself. It’s really hard to be happy when someone is mean to you all of the time. So quit the nagging and the reprimands.
8. Count your blessings, not your blemishes. I bet no-one else has noticed your back fat or your pointy nose anyway.
9. Live a life that you are proud of. One that you will enjoy looking back on and be happy to tell others all about.
10. Treat yourself as no.1. All of the time. Because it’s unlikely that anyone else will.
Gretchen Masters loves helping everyone to get fitter, healthier and happier. With the solid foundations of an exercise science degree and over 10 years experience in the fitness industry, Gretchen knows how to help you to get the most out of your training.
Gretchen’s biggest project these days is Spring – a national campaign delivered online to fight depression. Held each September, members follow daily fitness plans, eat good mood food and access meditation podcasts. They track their mood and watch it soar. All of the profits from Spring are donated to mental health charities.
Gretchen also delivers corporate wellness programs and writes regular columns for Inform magazine. When she’s not busy boosting health and vitality all over Australia, you’ll find Gretchen planning her next trip to France. Each July, Gretchen shares her passion and guides groups from the French Alps to Paris, following the Tour de France.
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P 1300 65 25 66