5 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Day with a Hot Water & Lemon

How often do you think about how you start your day? Do you find some days are better than others? Well what you do first thing in the morning matters! It can kick start the way the rest of your day will go!
Starting with exercise is a great way to kick start your day, but that is another topic! We are all busy in the mornings, getting ready for work, feeding/dressing kids, checking emails, trying not to be late – but if there is ONE thing you should do each day, before you have breakfast is to squeeze about half a lemon into a glass, add some hot/warm water and drink it!
Here are five reasons why you should be drinking hot water with lemon (or Lime if you prefer) every day!
1. Balances your pH levels
Many people think that Lemons are an acidic food, however its actually the opposite, well sort of. Lemons are acidic on their own, but when they hot our bodies, they turn alkaline. And you want an alkaline body to ensure good health!
2. Helps with weight loss
How you ask??!!! People who have a more alkaline diet, tend to lose weight faster. But also, lemons are high in pectin fibre, which can help fight hunger cravings. Also think about when you start your day in a positive healthy way, I’m sure you will want to be ‘good’ for the rest of the day – choosing healthy snacks over sugar filled ones!! Take the other half of the lemon to work and have another hot lemon in the afternoon when you would usually get a sugar craving!
3. Gives your immune system a boost
Lemons are high in Vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds & flu.
4. Helps your digestion
Drinking warm water with lemon of a morning can help your digestion in 2 ways – Lemons are packed full of vitamins and minerals that help loosen toxins in the digestive tract, and the warm water stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and the muscle contractions in the intestinal walls that keep things moving nicely!
5. Great for detoxing
Lemon juice helps to flush out any toxins in the body by increasing the rate of urination in the body. Also with the toxins leaving your body at a faster rate, it will help to keep your skin clear as well!
Its an easy habit to get into, so why not start it tomorrow. Do it for a few weeks and see how much better you feel.
Amanda is a mum to 2 year old Chelsea, a Personal Trainer and owns her own Women’s Only Outdoor Fitness Business, Blue Sky Health & Fitness, based in Melbourne. Blue Sky Fitness offers Women of all ages, sizes and abilities a supportive & friendly environment in which to get fit, get healthy & be happy (but it’s also challenging!) For more information on Blue Sky Health & Fitness classes, please visitwww.blueskyfitness.com.au
Amanda has recently launched Mummy Bootcamp @ Home, to help women (mums in particular) lose weight, tone up & feel great about themselves. For more information on the 28 Day Body & Mind Transformation Bootcamp visit www.mummybootcampathome.com.au