Fitness: Fake it ’til You Make it!

Fitness: Fake it ’til You Make it!
There’s this saying that goes Fake it till you make it. And although no-one wants to fake anything – except longer eye lashes – I agree that sometimes you just need to take this saying on board.
Let me give you an example of how this worked for me. I have always looked upon gym wear as strictly to be worn to the gym and back. Or to go for a jog and back. Not to be worn all day, everyday while doing very non gym like activities – i.e. grocery shopping.
So to all those women out there that have been wearing their leggings and puffer jackets like some kind of uniform, I owe you an apology. You see I judged you before I too walked in your Nike’s. I would look at you in your Skins and wonder why you couldn’t just put on a pair of pants. I’m sorry. I had no idea that you held the secret of comfort AND style.
I did a little experiment of my own and started wearing my skins and puffer jacket to school drop off and pick up. There I was decked out in my Reeboks and ready to rock. Except I wasn’t. You see I don’t go to the gym and I definitely don’t run. I mean have you seen all those joggers? Not one, not a single one looks like they’re enjoying themselves. I dare you to find a smiling jogger. Go on. If you do, take a pic. Call it #amazing stories.
During my experiment of dressing ‘fitter’ a miraculous thing occurred. I began to take the long way home after school drop off. I started doing laps of the park (walking of course). I even turned into that girl that does lunges and squats in public. I didn’t even need to get my own personal trainer, I just shadowed one of the dozens you find on any given morning at the local park. Oh, don’t judge! I know you’ve all secretly taken notes when walking past a personal training session. How else do you think I know what a burpee is?!
I started getting comments like “You look like you’ve lost weight,” or “How was your run?” You see, I thought to myself- since I’m in gym gear I may as well do some exercise instead of going straight home. Genius, right?!
To begin with it’s all about perception- I dressed fitter, so I looked fitter. And the outcome was I actually became fitter! I faked it till I made it!
Apart from the obvious health benefits I’ve gained, another positive is that a whole new wardrobe has opened up to me. I mean have you seen how cute some of this work out gear is? I had no idea- I feel like I’ve had blinkers on and they’ve suddenly been removed. Now I notice what style Nike shoe someone is wearing and I know that Lululemon is not a British singer!
Have you ever faked till you made it?

Check out the NIKE FREE as well as other great styles here.
Chrystal Psaltopoulos Mother of twins, loving wife and vintage tragic. A child of the 80s who loves pop culture, Danish design and vegemite toast with honey. Loves fashion, reading autobiographies and has a knack for turning trash to treasure. Chrystal’s honest reflections are an insight into her colourful and at times crazy world. You can follow her blog at