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Let’s Talk Boobs!

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The other day my girlfriend and I were out having coffee and discussing our boobs. As you do. While she is all geared up for a reduction, I was talking about going the other way. We chatted about nipples, surgery and breast tissue in between wiping snotty noses and sipping our (now cold) cuppas.

It’s all well and good to preach ‘be happy with your body’ and ‘being thankful for what produced our beautiful children’ but in the end if you’re not happy, you’re not happy. Body confidence is a major part of who you are as a woman and being happy within your own skin is so important. After all, you’re the one who lives with the small / large boobs everyday. If your norks are making you self conscious, are causing you everyday strain on your shoulders or just plainly disappeared after breastfeeding (like mine!) you can change that.

So, where do you start? Some articles suggest that it’s best to start by looking at before and after pictures of women are the same body shape and breast shape as you, who have had the procedure. Most pictures include information on their height, chest width and before and after breast size. Different surgeons will have different methods and looking at their clients before and after pictures will give you a better idea of who’s work you like the best, but keep in mind that their more of a guideline as to what you’d like so you can better communicate that to your specialist.

Also, forget cup size. You know when you buy two bras of the same size from different stores, they’re never exactly the same size? Think more in terms of body shape, proportion to you and what kind of look you’re aiming for.

Now that you might have a better idea of what you’d like, start looking at surgeons. Keep in mind if you are planning on breastfeeding after this kind of plastic surgery, breast implants may affect that ability. Make a reminder to discuss this with your surgeon.

At your first consultation you will most likely discuss your needs and style of implant and will have a physical examination of your breast and chest area so your surgeon can take measurements and give you the best advice for your desired outcome.

In Australia there are two main types of implants used; Saline and Silicone. Both are a silicone envelope but one is filled with saline and the other, obviously, with silicone. Both have different and can make the breast feel different once implanted but the main difference is on rupture. If the saline ruptures the breast will collapse and the saline will naturally be absorbed and expelled by the body. If a silicone implant ruptures it may not collapse and can leak into the area around the implant or the breast tissue. This may cause no symptoms or could be painful and may have an effect on the breast shape and size. BUT, silicone is also the most tested on type of implant and is accredited to be safe and reliable.

Yes, some people chose to go to Thailand for a ‘Medical Holiday’. To me, any holiday which requires that amount of painkillers really isn’t a holiday. Choosing to have your breast implants done overseas is all well and good, but keep these points in mind:

• Check that the hospital you’re going to hasn’t been involved in any substantial law suits.
• Research the hospitals track record through online forums and news articles.
• Make sure the hospital is accredited.
• Many doctors advise not to fly within 10 days of surgery due to increased health risks.

While researching for this article I noticed that the Australian companies booking Thailand surgeries have a lot of info on the team and people you coordinate with to make all the bookings, but not a lot of info on the surgeons themselves. Ensure you do your research into where your surgeon studied and this track record too.

Regardless of where you have the surgery, studies have shown that risks of problems increases 8 – 10 years after the initial augmentation, which may require replacing. Plan on having both implants changed every ten years.

If you’re considering any kind of plastic surgery, make sure you discuss it with your friends and family, like I do. Deciding to have such a life changing surgery is major and you’ll need the support of loved ones both before and after.

There’s also some great information available at or click on this link: Breast augmentation (implants) – Better Health Channel

. For any questions you could have you can always contact the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons Hotline on 1300 367 446 or the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons on (03) 9249 1200. For questions about implants you can call Medical Device Incident Report Investigation Scheme on 1800 809 361


I’m Daneyl, a wife, mother, blogger and opera singer (but only when I’m in the shower). You can find me in the kitchen, at the piano or on Instagram (@thestrandsofme). I love chocolate, reading, learning how to be a parent to my two gorgeous cherubs and writing about the lifestyle of the a modern day Mum. Check out my blog at



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.