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Rebecca Judd’s Story: Why Saving Newborns is Important to Me

Rebecca Judd s Story - Save the Children


Pregnancy is such an exciting time isn’t it?

But amidst the cravings and flutter of tiny feet against your abdominal wall, there are also some pretty big choices to be made, aren’t there?

Most of us turn to books, the internet, or friends and family to gather information to allow us to make the best decision for ourselves and our unborn child.

Will we use disposable nappies, or cloth ones? Breast-milk or bottle, or a combination of both? And the list goes on. One thing is for certain though, regardless of whether we chose to birth at home, in hospital or in a birthing centre, we want to do it with a trained midwife or health care professional by our side! I mean, can you imagine birthing your baby all alone?

Sadly, every year, 40 million women give birth without trained help.

Every year, 1 million newborns die on their first – their only – day of life.

Save the Children are aiming to raise $600,000 by June 30 – enough to train 600 midwives with the basic skills needed to save a child’s life.

Save the Children Ambassador, Rebecca Judd explains why she supports the One Day Campaign:


Rebecca Judd’s Story: Why Saving Newborns is Important to Me


Rebecca Judd s Story - Save the ChildrenMy lovely daughter Billie was born four months ago. I felt so lucky to have access to a good hospital and a wonderful obstetrician and midwife. I felt blessed to have had a quick, pain-free birth and a healthy baby girl.

Today when I look down at my little girl, I feel like the luckiest mother in the world. It’s a feeling I will never take for granted because for millions of women around the world, they’re not so lucky. 

Tragically, one million newborn babies do not survive their first day of life each year. It’s devastating to think these mothers only have one day with their babies.

One day to see them open their eyes. One day to hear them cry. One day to feel their warm skin against their cheek.

What’s even worse is that these deaths could be avoided if there was a midwife on hand to make sure the birth took place safely and there was basic healthcare available.

I can’t imagine what it would be like to have just one day with your newborn baby ─ it’s utterly heartbreaking to think about.

That’s why I’m supporting Save the Children’s One Day campaign.

We’re aiming to raise $600,000 by June 30. These funds could train 600 midwives with the basic skills needed to save a child’s life.

I hope you’ll join with me and give today to help save newborn lives today because tomorrow is too late.

Together we can make sure mums in poor communities have the joy of watching their children grow ─ and so babies have the chance to live longer than one day.

Rebecca Judd
Save the Children Ambassador

To donate to the One Day Campaign visit the Save the Children website





Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.