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Slowing Down

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slow down

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Why slowing down should be your new mantra

As each new year dawns, it feels like life is picking up more speed instead of slowing down. 2014 already feels like it will be a mad year – with parents struggling to manage increased workloads, childcare pick up and drop offs, planning activities for kids, newer technologies, things you need to add to your list to read, watch, cook, plan, travel etc.

BUT you could do one of two things – let the busyness keep ruling your life or take control by slowing down and doing less “stuff” and invest in more meaningful experiences which will enrich your life. What is life if you are gulping down your cup of tea instead of savouring it?

Here are six things you can do to make this year less frenetic.

1Try to do less instead of scheduling activities and to-dos every minute of your day – if that means saying no to some social invitations during the weekend and spending that time with your children and husband relaxing then so be it.

  1.   Do no housework on the weekend – nothing kills the anticipation of a weekend than having to complete household chores. You can add a few tasks to your to-do list for the week and complete them in this time. If not, well you are the only one who knows the state of the linen cupboard sshhh!
  2.   Invest in meaningful relationships with close friends, siblings, spouse and children only. Reassess those time-draining social activities which make you tired and ask yourself if they are really worth sticking to.
  3.   Look after YOU first – take up a scheduled exercise during the week or weekend when your spouse or family can look after the kids. Just one hour daily or every other day devoted to your wellbeing means you’ll be more cheerful ( ever notice how grumpy you get when you don’t get regular exercise?), you’ll look good and most importantly have more energy for everything in your life. Take up Yoga, Pilates or a dance class – whatever gets the blood moving! More importantly schedule it in your family calendar and let the members of your family know it’s their turn to cook dinner or grocery shop on that night.
  4. 1 Keep the big picture in mind and take one day or half day out to think and plan. This is very important especially if you have a new business to grow or running a household. Sometimes you can get caught up in the daily bustle and lose yourself in the details. Taking time out to think about what you’re doing can make all the difference to where you need to spend your time for maximum results.

So will 2014 be the year you drive yourself mad by trying to do too much and be everything to everyone, or will this year be one where you are healthy, relaxed and fulfilled? We may be past January but February is still not too late to start!

Writer: Rashida Tayabali, Founder of Project Mum

Project Mum is an online magazine and job matching service targeted towards mums with specialised skills looking for project based work with small to medium sized businesses that fit in around their family commitments. 
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