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Tips for Mums Coping with Post Natal Depression

tips for coping with post natal depression

Tips for Mums Coping with Post-Natal Depression

You have been diagnosed with PND, and have a treatment plan in place. You have reached out and realised that you need help; after all there is no such thing as a perfect mother. We all make mistakes especially when we have our first child and we are learning what they need. Emotions can run high on most days when you are frantically trying to settle the baby and get dinner on. Plus you are functioning with little sleep and this will impact how you function on the day. Remember you can only do so much in the day, so aim to balance yourself and the rest will take care of itself.

Here are few coping tips you may like to implement during this time.

1. Ensure you have company during the day

If you are the only one at home plus baby, invite a friend/another mum, this way you can share and talk and not let those emotions run free. Remember we cannot control everything, so place your energy on those things you can control and be ok in the chaos.

2. Be realistic with your daily goals

Just do what you can that day; the house will still be there later when you have the time and energy to tidy up. Nurture yourself and your baby; if you are calm your baby will feel this energy. If you find yourself doing the negative self talk, stop, take a moment to be back in the present moment and smile.

3. Give yourself compliments during the day

I did this really well today, I feel ok. Read some positive affirmations this will give you a good start to your day mentally and you will be better prepared for whatever comes next. For Example:” I am doing the best I can, today will be a good day”

4. When your partner comes home ask for ‘time-out’ for you

Go for a short walk around your neighbourhood to take in the fresh air and do some deep breaths. Trust that all is ok at home and take this time for you. Alternatively use this time to have a bath/shower do your hair/paint your nails, start feeling good about being you again.

5. Keep a journal

When you have a moment and/ or you get a feeling those things are getting on top of you, write it all down. Download your day on paper and finish the entry on a positive note. Rewrite your affirmation:” I am doing the best I can today and it is a good day”. Often times we need to dump our feelings of frustration/anxiety/disappointment so we can allow ourselves to feel more empowered.

This condition will pass so at the moment aim to navigate the day to the best of your ability and that is good enough. Use coping strategies to give yourself time and space so you regain some control over the given situations and feel your confidence come back.


Paola Branas-Born is a Personal and Fertility Coach, she has over 25 years experience in customer relations and is the co-owner of a Global Life Coaching directory A mum of 2 young children she enjoys sharing her wisdom online and helping and supporting couples and single people become parents. Having her own fertility issues gave her first hand experience what it was like to ride the rollercoaster of uncertainty in the world of IVF. Feeling helpless and deep sadness she came out the other side, stronger and more empathetic to people in a similar situation. She enjoys laughing with her children, chai lattes, cooking and raising a sweat in Bikram Yoga.




Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.