Wellbeing for time poor parents

Wellbeing for time poor parents
The research tells us what every working parent already knows – we’re all feeling guilty, rushed for time and completely overloaded.
The answer to this problem is supposed to be finding more ‘me time’. If only we could get to that yoga class, go jogging each morning or find more opportunities to lie in bed and read a book, we’ll all be okay.
So why does finding ‘me time’ seem less achievable than world peace? Partly because ‘me time’ suggests that with better time management, we’ll have more opportunities for shopping, massages, and the movies. But working mums are the best time managers on the planet. They have to be! So that’s not the answer.
We simply cannot create more hours in the day, and there will never be enough time. There will always be dinners to prepare, washing to do, and mess to clean up. But we can create more energy in our day. And the secret to increasing our energy is to increase our wellbeing.
Download the complete article here WellbeingForTimePoorParents.pdf 221.67 Kb