Christmas Fabric Pom Pom Lanterns

Home Made Christmas Lanterns
This Christmas, don’t decorate with just tinsel and fairy lights, hang some beautiful soft fabric Christmas Pom Pom Lanterns as well! Christmas is a time to come together and decorate your home as a family, so why not add some traditional Christmas lanterns? Lanterns create an air of soft delicate grace to your garden or family room and are super easy to pack away for next year. Turquoise blues and rose reds, tassels and ribbons, traditional Christmas stars and patterns, you name it these Christmas lanterns have it all!
Traditionally, red and green are the colours of Christmas as red symbolises Jesus’ blood on the cross, and green symbolises the evergreen tree and its continuance of life throughout winter. However white, silver and gold are also very popular. Holly was thought to protect against witches, and heart shaped ivy leaves symbolised Jesus coming to earth. More interestingly, the Christmas tree was first adorned with apples, nuts and dates, and shortly later candles were added as well.
Every home deserves beautiful embroidered Christmas tree decorations, a beautiful wreath on the front door, bright solar powered candy canes in the yard and a Christmas stocking on the fire place. These are all much loved traditional Christmas decorations. Why not add to the Christmas spirit and hang some beautiful festive lanterns around your home. Chinese lanterns, metal lanterns filled with twinkling candles and soft fabric lanterns are just some of the many styles and designs lanterns come in today. So, add a beautiful lantern or a few to your decorations this year, and fill your home with love, grace and happiness.