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Is Your Child Always Getting Sick? Their Gut Health May Be to Blame!

By Karina Savage, Paediatric dietitian and founder of Nourishing Kids

The term ‘gut health’ is becoming super trendy… even when it comes to kids  – and for good reason. A child who eats well and has a healthy gut has 30% less nutritional deficiency and will get sick 40% less often – that’s incredible!

We know that they will also focus better, feel better and behave better (hallelujah!!)

This is all good in theory, but the thing is, with kids – it’s not always easy to get them to eat well!

As a paediatric dietitian and mum of 2, I know firsthand how hard it is to get kids to eat well. When we had our first baby, little did I know the journey I was about to embark on with feeding her.

As a toddler, she became SO fussy!!! Let’s just say, I truly understand firsthand how your confidence can be shattered when you have a fussy eater, who constantly refuses nutritious foods.

As parents it’s normal to worry – especially when they are eating less than you would like them to eat. We stress because we know they aren’t getting all the nutrients… we want them to be healthy… and we feel bad that they aren’t eating better.

It’s unfair how much our self confidence and self worth gets wrapped up in what our child eats.

Let’s be honest, fussy eaters LOVE a white diet – it’s their dream diet.

It’s full of white things like plain pasta, plain rice, milk, crackers and if you’re lucky chicken nuggets.

And it’s SO common – at least 30% of kids!!

It’s incredibly frustrating to be told your dinner (that you’ve slaved over) is “disgusting. Day in and day out, this can be kinda soul destroying.

So how do we get them to eat?. Well, we resort to things like bribing them with dessert, or begging for them to try just one mouthful. I’ve even had parents tell me that they offered their son $50 to eat a piece of brocolli!

As parents we are desperate for our kids to eat better. I’ve been there.

We aren’t to blame for trying these tactics of bribing or begging because our back is literally up against the wall and we are so desperate to get them to eat, that we try anything.

The problem is, really deep down nothing is working. The bribes only work for a short term, the begging and pleading gets nowhere.

The internet and social media just complicate and confuse things so much more – too much information. There is complete overwhelm!

I firmly believe we are taught what our kids should eat, but as parents we aren’t taught HOW to actually make that happen. 

After many years of research and testing, I found a new way to get my kids eating well – that actually worked! A feeding approach that meant my kids were eating the good stuff and mealtimes weren’t stressful anymore.

My kids are great eaters now, and I love helping other mums do the same thing!!That’s the exact reason I created Nourishing Kids, to teach parents my unique feeding approach that gets kids eating well, without the stress.

Why Is It So Important?

Because how they eat now, impacts them not only today, but for the rest of their life.

One of the best things we can ever do for our kids is give them good nutrition that supports the development of a healthy gut and immune system – that truly puts a “health stamp” on them for life.

40% of Australian kids don’t get enough fibre – so crucial for gut health

20% of young children don’t get enough dietary iron – so crucial for energy and brain development.

As parents, our feeding approach also directly influences our child’s relationship with food – and we want to help them to develop a very positive relationship with food.

So Where to from Here?

Sometimes we feel like it’s all too hard, but small changes to your child’s intake, done consistently make a BIG difference in the long run.

Making time to improve your child’s eating and nutrition now, means you set them up for their best day today – but also healthiest future possible!

For more information on how you can learn simple strategies to get your child eating better, check out Karina’s Nourishing Kids Program


Karina Savage is one if Australia’s leading paediatric dieticians. After practising for 23 years and with two degrees, a book and regular TV segments behind her, Karina has helped thousands of parents overhaul their child’s diet, helping to improve guy health and therefore their mood and focus.

Karina specialises in getting kids to eat more nutritious foods more often, so they have less rick of deficiency. Having had a fussy toddler herself, Karina successfully managed to change her approach to feeding and has since helped thousands do the same for their kids through her Nourishing Kids program. 

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