12 Hilarious Letters to the Tooth Fairy

12 Hilarious Letters to the Tooth Fairy
We shared our favourite 15 Tooth Fairy Ideas & Free Printables with you earlier in the week, to help parents add a little extra magic to the tooth fairy’s visit.
But what about what our little darlings leave for the tooth fairy, in addition to the tooth (if it hasn’t been lost or swallowed of course!)
Below are just some of the most hilarious letters to the tooth fairy that we have found around the web for your enjoyment.
12 Awesome Kids’ Letters to the Tooth Fairy
Source Reddit user coffeenclothesjunkie
Source: Reddit user: bort_license_plates
Source Imugr: frothily
Source Reddit user MechaStewart
Source: Reddit user: TheJongasm
Source Reddit user: DSneakurz
Source Reddit user: imkunu
Source: Reddit user cobbbba
Source: Reddit user brokentoasters
Source: Reddit user: CookieCriminal
Source: Reddit user: Burner96R
Source: elizabethesther.com
Has your child ever written any letters to the tooth fairy that gave you a giggle?
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