14 Hilarious Birthday Cake Disasters (and How to Avoid Them!)

There are a few things that nobody tells you about when you’re expecting your first child.
You know, like the fact that the extra weight of pregnancy can make your feet flatten, so you end up a shoe size bigger!
Or that no matter how well you put your baby’s nappy on, at some stage or other you will have to deal with a poonami of epic proportions, probably in public, and without a doubt when you forgot to pack a spare nappy! Trust me, you will!
Having a child will also cause you to spontaneously develop a number of talents and skills overnight:
- super-human hearing (you’ll hear every breathe and gurgle your child makes in their cot from a hundred yards away!)
- despite having less sleep than you’ve ever had in your life you’ll be able to count to 10 in Spanish in your sleep thanks to Dora the Explorer
- You’ll develop the skills of a Master Baker and be able to whip up amazing birthday cakes for your child every year…no wait…that’s not right…You’ll wish you could whip up amazing birthday cakes every year for your child like all the other mums seem to.
Read: Fool-Proof Birthday Cakes EVERYONE Can Make
Here are some of the most hilarious birthday cake disasters from the internet:
Image source: New York Mum in London –
Image source: Imgur
Image source: Dump a day
Image source: Pleated-Jeans
Image source: Pinterest Fails
Image source: Pinterest Fails
Image source: Popsugar
Image source: Parent Dish
Image source: Hello Terri Lowe
Image source: Sunny Skyz
Image source: Pin Stake
Image source: Pop Sugar
Image source: Cake Wrecks
Image Source: Sunny Skyz
Read: How You Can Say Goodbye to Cake Disasters
Have you ever had a birthday cake disaster?