Make a Board-Game Style Reward Charts for Kids: A Tutorial

As part of the Parent Manifesto 12 week program that I am enrolled in, Hubbster and I have been analysing and discussing which areas of our parenting we need to tweak, in order for things to run more smoothly.
An area, which I feel needs some attention is getting our children to do what we have asked/told them.
Far too often we resort to the ‘For the third time, <insert direction> otherwise <insert badly thought out threat or promise>’ Of course, by this stage we are starting to feel a little peeved and frustrated that we are having to ask again and again…
I don’t want to have to barter with my children for their good behaviour, and I certainly don’t want to have to threaten them with consequences all of the time.
As we know (but all too often forget in the heat of a ‘DO-AS-YOU-ARE-TOLD episode’) positive attention and praise are the best rewards for good behavior. So, I’ve decided that what we need is a reward chart.
We have had good results with them before, but things go a bit pear-shaped when I lose the stickers or forget to buy more. So, this time I wanted to make it completely sticker-free!
We have been enjoying some family time lately playing board games, so I have used this theme to make the chart really appeal to the children.
And the best part is that it was really easy! You could even make it with the children.
How to make a board-game style reward charts for kids
You will need:
2 coloured pieces of A2 card
1 drinking straw (or more depending on how many children you have)
1 pipe cleaner
Glue stick
A photograph or print out of your child’s face
A lump of bluetack or playdoh (for hole punching)
A large cup of hot tea or coffee and some music (that’s just for you!)

Free draw and cut out your wiggly path of good behavior.

I may not be able to sew but stand back – I am a gun with a gluestick!

Each space will need a small hole in the middle. The easiest, neatest and safest way to do this is with a blob of playdoh or blue tac, and a biro. I knew that three years of watching endless Mister Maker re-runs would come in handy one day!
This also doubles as inexpensive and effective therapy when you are having a bad day or PMS.
To make the children’s board pieces you’ll need their photo. (I used an old birthday card to mount mine and give them extra firmness.)
For each photo you will need approx. 3 cm of drinking straw, and approx. 6-7cm of pipe cleaner.
Slot the pipe cleaner into the drinking straw and secure with the sticky tape.
Arc the pipe cleaner over and attach to the photo with more sticky tape.
Here’s some I made earlier…(I’ve always wanted to say that…you can blame it on the daytime cookery shows I used to watch when I was at Uni, instead of studying!)

The Woo, Foghorn and Bubble
Your reward chart is now ready to hang.
I have stuck mine to the white board in the laundry…that way Hubbster has nowhere to write his annoying to do lists for me…which I always ignore anyway, out of principle.

I can’t help grinning everytime I see this picture of Foghorn!
When the children reach the top they will be rewarded according to the incentive that we decide at the start, which may be pocket money, or a special day out somewhere.
Wish me luck! I’ll let you know how we get on!
Do you, or have you, used reward charts with your children? What are your experience with them?