Dad Gets an Hilarious Surprise When He Views the Selfies He Took of Him and His Baby Son

Gone are the days when you had to load a film into a camera, and hand it over to someone else to take a photograph of you.
Advances in technology have steered us into the age of the ‘selfie’ – and who doesn’t love a good selfie now and again, eh?
Whether your a straight-shooter, or a ‘hold-it-above-my-head-to-make-me-look-slimmer’ kind of snapper, a duck-face-pouter, or a smiler – there is one rule of selfie’s that almost everyone abides by….and that’s the trigger-happy rule. The more photos you snap, the more chance you’ve got of finding one of yourself that you actually like and want to share with the world, right?
You know I speak the truth!
Well, reddit user JexFraequin got more than he’d bargained for when he took some happy-selfie-snaps of himself with his young son on his lap.
Rapidly shot a couple dozen pics with my son in my lap over. Went to pick out my favorite and realized I had created something a little unnerving in my camera roll.
Now tell me that you don’t want to try this too.