Fanging It Friday 2 ~ With Reservoir Dad

After much persuasion, Reservoir Dad has finally agreed to guest post his second Fang It Friday post over at Mums Lounge!!!
And if you believe that you’ll believe anything! This guy, (if you haven’t yet had the pleasure of visiting his blog and Facebook page), is equal parts mad and hilarious, has eyebrows that have perfected Joey Tribbiani’s how-you-doing?’ look (that quite frankly put Matt LeBlanc to shame) and as far as I can tell, is up for anything, as long as it involves an assortment of female wigs or mullets!
Sound like your kinda guy? Step this way!
Welcome to the second installment of Fanging It Friday!
You know, singing alone in your car after school drop-offs or on you way to get some Yakult from the supermarket or to take your forms into Centrelink or to make the opening of the 45% off sale at Sexy Land – or whatever – is not only a great release but is also transformative in the truest sense of the word.
Are you a fatigued Stay At Home Dad running on an hour’s sleep and the whiff of a dirty nappy? Are you a working Mum racing towards a kinder pick-up? Are you one of the sacked Wiggles? Or David Hasselhoff?
Well, put in your favorite tunes and crank it up! Try being Cindi Lauper singing Girls Just Want To Have Fun, or have a go at being MC Hammer singing You Can’t Touch This, or get the ultimate release with a power ballad, say I Want To Know What Love Is by Foreigner as you fang it down the highway, or through the suburban streets, like you just don’t care. Get the growl back into your day. Go on! Everybody’s doing it!
Fanging It Friday started off as a stupid idea but it’s become less so thanks to the involvement of some crazy people. To let you in on a few little secrets before you lose yourself in the video below.
- Every second week Fanging It Friday will be featured over at website superpower Mum’s Lounge! If you’re reading this you may already be aware of that. Reservoir Dad and Mum’s Lounge have been in cahoots for ages so this team up was bound to happen.
- At this particular point in time I have twenty four song requests. That’s enough for two CDs!
- Post Production company 77Post are coming on board in the next month to help me make even more technologically advanced videos of myself. Please visit their Facebook Page.
- Mylight are giving away a monthly prize to Fanging It Friday fans. A personalised night light worth $125. Please visit their Facebook Page. I’m getting my own personalised light for my writing desk and will bring you more details about this awesome company in the next few weeks. To go into the monthly draw you simply have to nominate your favourite song for me to sing by leaving a comment below or on the Reservoir Dad Facebook Page.
- A celebrity has already expressed interest in making a guest appearance in my Tarago. Please visit his Twitter account.
Thanks to Catherine for requesting this week’s song. Yesterday, after taking the boys to their first day at school for 2014 Catherine gave me the chance to fanging it towards home, taking as many detours as I needed, to become the legendary Chaka Khan singing I’m Every Woman.