Fifty Shades of Grey: Would I, Should I, Could I?

No doubt by now, you have all heard about the book ‘Fifty Shades of Grey.’ Yes?
It is being touted as ‘mummy-porn,’ ‘Twilight for adults,’ and the book that is rekindling the fire under the marital beds of many readers. Some women are even claiming that it is the best book they have ever read. It is making them feel sexy again.
Like the character of Bella before her, Anna is criticized for being self-absorbed and annoying. Sarah Wendell, on the ‘Smart Bitches, Trashy Books,’ website explains “I found it to be melancholy and meandering, and the heroine narrator is so maudlin and wimpy I grew more and more irritated with her and with the story and had to stop, [reading it].”
Author E L James is also criticized for her cheesy repetitive writing style and references to, for example, Anna’s ‘inner-goddess.’
So whilst on one hand I am VERY curious about this book, I am also wary of wasting my time and/or money on something that might give me more irritation than enjoyment. That’s right.
The explicit sex won’t bother me…in fact I am sure I will quite like that…but if it is badly written it will shit me to tears.
The news that it is to be made into a movie, I must admit, does tip the scales in favour of reading it, for the simple fact that I am one of those people that likes to read the book before watching the film.
Call me fickle, call me shallow, but if the rumours that Alexander Skarsgård will play the lead role of dominant Christian Grey are true, I will happily push through 120 pages of Anna and her annoying inner-goddess…twice.
So…I would love to know if you or anyone you know has read it. What did you/they think?
Oh yes, and for those of you who are already fans Mini De Luxe have a Fifty Shades of Grey inspired store! They are also offering 15% off if you like their Facebook page.
P.S Tell your partner he owes me one!