Gay Marriage ~ Where Do You Stand?

Gay Marriage ~ Where Do You Stand?

I am not, by nature, a political beast.
I am often too busy trying to keep my head above water in my own home to engage in many of the debates and controversial discussions that occur on the internet.
But there is one topic that I do feel particularly passionate about….and that is equality.
Whether it is a question of gender equality, race equality or the rights of every human being regardless of their sexuality – you can bet your bottom dollar that it is a topic that is sure to get me fired up.
I’ll be honest…the term ‘tolerant’ annoys me.
It smacks of underlying prejudice and carries an undertone of superiority to me.
We don’t need to ‘tolerate’ people who are different.
We need to understand that their life choices, to marry the person that they love regardless of gender, should be theirs to make, just as it is ours.
We need to understand moreover that being gay isn’t a ‘choice.’
We need to get over the ridiculous notion that by allowing them equal rights to straight people we are somehow undermining the fabric of society.
Allowing gay marriages will not incite more people to be gay anymore than undermining and persecuting gay people has dissuaded them from falling in love with members of the same sex.
It is time to stand up and say that we are all equal…no ifs….no buts…and no maybe’s.
This is where I stand.
I am unashamedly pro-gay marriges, are you?
[One day soon I will tell you about one of the proudest things I have ever done in my life to help someone]